The Purple Pinup Guru Platform

When purple things are pulsating on your mind, I'm the one whose clock you want to clean. Aiding is Sparky, the Astral Plane Zen Pup Dog from his mountain stronghold on the Northernmost Island of the Happy Ninja Island chain, this blog will also act as a journal to my wacky antics at an entertainment company and the progress of my self published comic book, The Deposit Man which only appears when I damn well feel like it. Real Soon Now.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Things are nutty right now and I'm afraid I can't contribute to this blog as much as I would like- so I'm declaring a temporary hiatus for the time being. Hopefully I'll be up and running on a semi-regular basis sometime in early 2005.

There's been a major, major project that has dumped in my department's lap that requires my full attention that is forcing me to clock in some 12 hour days and therefore weekends are not immune except for some events here and there that have already been pre-planned in advance. I do know that I'm going back to Vegas to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with my dad and the rest of, new hispanic stepfamily.

There's been a lot bothering me lately that I fear maybe endangering my physical and mental health of late. Most notably, I've been agitated by the results of this mock election and this escaluatating joke of a war that we've all been subjugated to believe that is supposed to be 'a good thing' when we send young women and men overseas to die for a lie and casually toss a couple of airstrikes on innocent women and babies, who are all of sudden branded the enemy- even though they've done nothing to hurt us.

I've got some weird stomach cramp happening besides trying to exorcise this goddamn cold I caught in Vegas the last time I was hanging out with my dad- I don't know where it's coming from and I debating on whether I should seek medical attention for it or not. I'm thinking that it could be a ulcer or something along that nature or something to do with the posture of sitting 10-12 hours a day at a desk behind a computer- and that's something else that's not making me want to contribute to this blog on a daily basis.
I could also chalk up it to some psychological angst that I'm feeling about Bill Liebowitz's passing. I went to the memorial party that was held over the weekend at the Melrose Ave store- it was great running into people that I normally only run into conventions and I felt that I had a moral obligation to be there because Bill was kind enough to stock my Deposit Man books in the independent press section of his store and I was honored that the store staff put up a excerpt of this blog that I contributed to the store's website message board in the store window. That cheered me up a little.

I haven't been getting laid lately due to the guilt I'm feeling over my stomach incredible expansion of late - so that could also be a contributing factor to my doldrums- but not one I'm like to publicize to the tabloids or the seach engine tattletales

But the fun side to things are:

Shitloads of OT. Up to four figures a week by the rate I'm going. Better get it while it's hot, before the Bush neo con nutjobs put a moratorium on that wellspring.

My pile of unwatched DVDs are growing. I'm buying 'em up- but have a difficult time of catching up. I've got Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 2, Doctor Who Lost in Time (lost '60's episodes) collection, a couple of DC Superheroes disc with Superman and Justice League, Hellboy Director's Cut, Fahrenheit 9/11, Chronicles of Riddick, Robocop Trilogy, A Yes Acoustic set, and on and on it goes.

One of my logical solution to order to force myself to make some time is to invest wisely into a portable traveling unit to take on commute trips or bus trips to Vegas. I barely have two to three hours to myself to watch television at home every night

Larry will be sending me the new pages of the latest Deposit Man book by the time I get back from Vegas. Oliver is supposedly going to get a website up and running and I hope we get to download a few preview pages. Once Larry gets that out of the way, he'll be sprinting to get the first ten pages of the proposed series finale of the Deposit Man done in time for a April ashcan that I want to premiere at the next APE show.

And I hope I can reconvene when I'm in a fucking better mood and I'm not feeling that my ribs are crush in on me.


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