The Purple Pinup Guru Platform

When purple things are pulsating on your mind, I'm the one whose clock you want to clean. Aiding is Sparky, the Astral Plane Zen Pup Dog from his mountain stronghold on the Northernmost Island of the Happy Ninja Island chain, this blog will also act as a journal to my wacky antics at an entertainment company and the progress of my self published comic book, The Deposit Man which only appears when I damn well feel like it. Real Soon Now.

Tuesday, June 03, 2003


Still continuing with my tribute to my misanthrope maniac of a stepfather.

This is absolutely my most favorite memory of the ROGER on a rampage and for once it didn't involve me.

Both my aunts (who were twins) made plans to move out to California (they sort of inspired my exodus to sunny weather climates). One aunt Priscilla made her move in the early seventies as soon as she graduated college- My other aunt Peggy stayed out in New Jersey a while longer until maybe the middle of the decade. She used to hang with my sister and I on weekend nights over at the apartment (which was now upgraded to two bedrooms- we simply moved around the block within the same apartment complex that had two bedrooms- but I had to share mine with my sister), even babysitting us if my mom and the ROGER stepped out for the evening. One day in, maybe it was '74 or '75, she decided to make her move out west.

One of the things that we excelled in when it came to breaking lease policy, was hiding out pets. We had a small short haired terrier and for some forgotten reason, management discoverd we had the dog. We were told to get rid of it, but didn't know who to give it to. So my aunt Peggy said she knew someone who would watch it temporary. We relinquished the dog to her care and for approximately two weeks, the ROGER began to slowly crack up. He was missing the dog that he used to enjoy beating at 3 in the morning when he would come home from bartending. One day my aunt came over to tell us she was leaving for California within the week. The ROGER got ahold of this information and wanted to know the number of the people who were watching our dog. My aunt told him no way - you gave the dog up and it has a new home and they don't want to give it up.

Upon hearing that, I saw something totally unexpected, The ROGER ran up to her and started punching my aunt like she was a sack of flour. He punched her in one of her breast or gave it a GI JOE kung fu grip if I remembered correctly. Then she ran screaming down the hallway to outside to where her car was parked with The ROGER hot on her heels.

To be continued.....

I got to punch out because you know, the fifteen minutes are up,




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