The Special Bootleg edition
During the last San Diego Comic Con International, the PP Guru boasted that his most fave purchase, of the few that he did, was indeed in fact obtaining the entire new Doctor Who series which was downloaded and burned on someone's computer. Well, it just so happens that the PP Guru has finally managed to get around to begin watching them on a episode per night basis such as a weeknight strip.
And let it be said:
That this new Doctor Who series is leaving the PP Guru completely dazzled.
This is the Doctor Who that dreams are made of!!
It's usually unorthodox for the PP Guru to go reviewing materials that he obtains from black marketing DVD pirates - but in this rare occasion he makes an exception because the way they market Doctor Who dvds out here is just atrocious. BBC America only releases two episodes every three to four months so by the time they get around to putting the new series on the Best Buy or Fry's retail shelf, the PP Guru would probaby be wheeled out to the nearest Woodland Hills convalescent home - so it was essential that the PP Guru keep up with the modern times of his favorite Time Lord.
But imagine if you will - if Doctor Who was updated with modern CGI effects that doesn't make the show look like as if the camera work was shot through a shoe box - where the creature feature of the week actually looks horrific and scary without the zippers, and whereas the presentation doesn't look hurried - looking pristine in high resolution film and presented in WIDESCREEN — then you would have this show.

In his tenth generation, the Doctor played by Christopher Eccleston, takes quite a bit of getting used to. His persona seems to be partially influenced by a post punk generation. He is rude or brash, and seems very anarchica — rather causes conflict more than stumbling across them. Time has seemingly flown the coop in the this .2 version as the Doctor confines to his new companion, Rose Tyler (Billie Piper who almost conjures a almost spitting image of Katy Manning when she played the third Doctor, Jon Pertwee's companion, Jo Grant) that the entire Time Lord world of Galifrey has been totally wiped out by his most frequent nemesis species of the Daleks and that he is the sole remaining survivor of his alien race.

As the PP Guru has watched the first six episodes to date, he felt the first episode, Rose which featured the long return of another alien foe, called the Autons was light too much fast paced and rushed to get everyone up on the folklore. The second episode, the End of the World was just what the PP Guru needed to see the Doctor restored to his quirky glory in this send up homage to a Douglas Adams inspired story where the Doctor takes Rose to a orbiting space station to witness the Earth self destruct and yet is conned into trying to prevent a whole genocide about to take place amongst the surviving species (who probably paid more a hooved claw or a alien antenna to be there) who are celebrating it as if welcoming in a New Year and has to find the culprit behind the fiendish plot. Brilliant visuals accompanie this episode. The third episode, The Unquiet Dead was just a tad little hokey for the PP Guru - a ho hum ninteenth century episode of ghost hunting and seances with Charles Dicken providing assistance. A invasion of London two parter follows with Aliens of London and World War Three is a little more satisfying having the Doctor and Rose combat a invading race called the Slithereens masquering as the Prime Minister and Staff who have taken over 10 Downing Street and Whitehall. The shot of a sputtering alien ship smacking right into Big Ben is nothing short of spectacular. The first new Dalek episode in eons ' Dalek ' is a slightly different take on those salt and pepper shaker looking tin creatures whereas the Doctor encounters the very last Dalek in existence in a Museum located in a bunker 53 stories beneath the surface of the state of Idaho! ( be on the look out for a cameo of the Cybermen!)! Does the Doctor finally get his bloodthirsty revenge on the creature that eliminated his entire race? The PP Guru is not one for spoilers, but he will tell you that it is a truly moving tale in the series not seen since the death of the 5th Doctor's companion, Adric in the Peter Davidson era.
Most of the new episodes are done in one part with the exception of a couple two-parters. All have a running time of 45 minutes and change. Christopher Eccleston has already departed the show in fear of being typecasted and they've already started shooting Season 2(?) with his replacement of David Tennant. All in all, a jolly good show.

Also - the fourth season of Six Feet Under - which sadly ended its' fifth and final season last Sunday on HBO is out on DVD today. This is not the way you want to piss off the PP Guru.

Apparently one of the PP Guru's supervisors at work - Gigantor Geri whose lumpy ass practically slaps the floor and leaves a moist trail behind her as she walks calls the PP Guru into her office.

"What the fuck do you want Gigantor Geri?" asked the PP Guru politely.
"Have you been watching Six Feet Under, PP Guru?"
" No, the PP Guru fucking hasn't, Gigantor Geri."
" Did you know that major character @#$%# dies at the end of episode 10?"
"Now, Gigantor Geri- why the FUCK would you tell the PP Guru that - KNOWING FULL WELL THAT THE PP GURU doesn't have FUCKING HBO????!! "
You can only figure out the rest..... but do you see what the PP Guru has to put up with on a given nine to five day? The PP Guru tells you, some people are just fucking ingrates.

As transmitted through the 62nd portal of Nth Space to:
~ Coat
The Special Bootleg edition
During the last San Diego Comic Con International, the PP Guru boasted that his most fave purchase, of the few that he did, was indeed in fact obtaining the entire new Doctor Who series which was downloaded and burned on someone's computer. Well, it just so happens that the PP Guru has finally managed to get around to begin watching them on a episode per night basis such as a weeknight strip.
And let it be said:
That this new Doctor Who series is leaving the PP Guru completely dazzled.
This is the Doctor Who that dreams are made of!!
It's usually unorthodox for the PP Guru to go reviewing materials that he obtains from black marketing DVD pirates - but in this rare occasion he makes an exception because the way they market Doctor Who dvds out here is just atrocious. BBC America only releases two episodes every three to four months so by the time they get around to putting the new series on the Best Buy or Fry's retail shelf, the PP Guru would probaby be wheeled out to the nearest Woodland Hills convalescent home - so it was essential that the PP Guru keep up with the modern times of his favorite Time Lord.

In his tenth generation, the Doctor played by Christopher Eccleston, takes quite a bit of getting used to. His persona seems to be partially influenced by a post punk generation. He is rude or brash, and seems very anarchica — rather causes conflict more than stumbling across them. Time has seemingly flown the coop in the this .2 version as the Doctor confines to his new companion, Rose Tyler (Billie Piper who almost conjures a almost spitting image of Katy Manning when she played the third Doctor, Jon Pertwee's companion, Jo Grant) that the entire Time Lord world of Galifrey has been totally wiped out by his most frequent nemesis species of the Daleks and that he is the sole remaining survivor of his alien race.

As the PP Guru has watched the first six episodes to date, he felt the first episode, Rose which featured the long return of another alien foe, called the Autons was light too much fast paced and rushed to get everyone up on the folklore. The second episode, the End of the World was just what the PP Guru needed to see the Doctor restored to his quirky glory in this send up homage to a Douglas Adams inspired story where the Doctor takes Rose to a orbiting space station to witness the Earth self destruct and yet is conned into trying to prevent a whole genocide about to take place amongst the surviving species (who probably paid more a hooved claw or a alien antenna to be there) who are celebrating it as if welcoming in a New Year and has to find the culprit behind the fiendish plot. Brilliant visuals accompanie this episode. The third episode, The Unquiet Dead was just a tad little hokey for the PP Guru - a ho hum ninteenth century episode of ghost hunting and seances with Charles Dicken providing assistance. A invasion of London two parter follows with Aliens of London and World War Three is a little more satisfying having the Doctor and Rose combat a invading race called the Slithereens masquering as the Prime Minister and Staff who have taken over 10 Downing Street and Whitehall. The shot of a sputtering alien ship smacking right into Big Ben is nothing short of spectacular. The first new Dalek episode in eons ' Dalek ' is a slightly different take on those salt and pepper shaker looking tin creatures whereas the Doctor encounters the very last Dalek in existence in a Museum located in a bunker 53 stories beneath the surface of the state of Idaho! ( be on the look out for a cameo of the Cybermen!)! Does the Doctor finally get his bloodthirsty revenge on the creature that eliminated his entire race? The PP Guru is not one for spoilers, but he will tell you that it is a truly moving tale in the series not seen since the death of the 5th Doctor's companion, Adric in the Peter Davidson era.
Most of the new episodes are done in one part with the exception of a couple two-parters. All have a running time of 45 minutes and change. Christopher Eccleston has already departed the show in fear of being typecasted and they've already started shooting Season 2(?) with his replacement of David Tennant. All in all, a jolly good show.

Also - the fourth season of Six Feet Under - which sadly ended its' fifth and final season last Sunday on HBO is out on DVD today. This is not the way you want to piss off the PP Guru.

Apparently one of the PP Guru's supervisors at work - Gigantor Geri whose lumpy ass practically slaps the floor and leaves a moist trail behind her as she walks calls the PP Guru into her office.

"What the fuck do you want Gigantor Geri?" asked the PP Guru politely.
"Have you been watching Six Feet Under, PP Guru?"
" No, the PP Guru fucking hasn't, Gigantor Geri."
" Did you know that major character @#$%# dies at the end of episode 10?"
"Now, Gigantor Geri- why the FUCK would you tell the PP Guru that - KNOWING FULL WELL THAT THE PP GURU doesn't have FUCKING HBO????!! "
You can only figure out the rest..... but do you see what the PP Guru has to put up with on a given nine to five day? The PP Guru tells you, some people are just fucking ingrates.

As transmitted through the 62nd portal of Nth Space to:
~ Coat
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