Sparky: The last real President writes me:
(I so despise the Bush Crime Clan for cheating)

In the eight years I was privileged to serve as President, we set a positive course for this country by working together. Because of the work we did, our country made real progress. Now we have a chance to make history again. We can continue to let the Republicans do it their way and lead this country in the wrong direction. Or, we can do everything in our power to win one of the most critical elections of our lifetime and put America back on track. That means ensuring retirement security for our seniors, taking climate change seriously and finding new energy solutions, stopping partisanship and reaching across the religious and cultural divides of this world. It's time to do something about the fact that Americans overwhelmingly feel that this country is going in the wrong direction. Friends, failure is not an option - there is too much at stake. Today, the best way for each of us to put our candidates closer to victory is by supporting my friends at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and joining their campaign to restore a Democratic majority to the U.S. House of Representatives this November. These inspired foot soldiers and the dynamic candidates and incumbents they support are committed to winning a Democratic majority, so much so that the Democratic leadership has pledged to match dollar-for-dollar all contributions received by midnight on June 30th. Will you join their fight? Contribute $35, $50 or more today and give the DCCC the resources it needs to win a Democratic majority in the House. We Democrats have the best opportunity to win the majority in Congress in more than a decade. We Democrats will show this country that we can lead, and we will lead, but in order to do so, we must first win the majority. Recently, you heard from my good friends Paul Begala and James Carville about the challenges our candidates will face in the November elections. Our candidates will face a determined and relentless opposition. As committed Democrats, we must give them the resources they need to stand up and fight back. It is absolutely essential that we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them and ensure that they have the financial power they will need to hit back. To win in November, Democratic candidates must be able to rise above Republican attacks and get their message of change out to the voters. Only then can they mobilize Democrats, Independents and even disillusioned Republicans to rally behind our vision of a new direction for America. My friends, we can and we must win in November. Please give to the DCCC's June 30th Match Campaign today so that Democratic House candidates have the resources they need to fight back. Contribute $35, $50 or more today and see your gift towards a Democratic majority in the House be DOUBLED. I worked with Rahm Emanuel, the Chairman of the DCCC, when he was a trusted advisor during my years in the White House. I valued his judgment and counsel then, and I can think of no better leader for the DCCC's campaign in this historic time. Activists across the country are already crediting Rahm and the DCCC with standing up to the Republicans like never before. They are running a high-powered campaign operation that is fighting for a Democratic majority in congressional districts across America. As of right now, the DCCC has more than doubled the fundraising contributions from grassroots Democrats and is going toe-to-toe with the Republican campaign machine. But, we must keep the pressure on. We cannot lose our momentum and we must not let the Republicans regroup. The DCCC has set a goal to raise $500,000 by June 30th and thanks to everyone's generous support the DCCC has already raised $382,000, but your immediate help is vital to them reaching this important goal. Your secure online gift of $35, $50 or more will help keep the Democrats on the offense. And if you make your donation before the critical June 30th deadline it will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the Democratic House Leadership. America just works better when more people have a chance to live their dreams. But, Republicans in Washington believe that America should be run by their people, the "right" people. Their years in office have led to a world where ordinary citizens are increasingly left to fend for themselves on important matters like health care and retirement security. Friends, we've tried it their way for far too long and American families are paying the price. With less than 18 weeks until Election Day, our country's future is on the line. I promise I'll be helping Democratic House candidates and the DCCC work to restore a Democratic majority. Today, I am asking you to stand with me in this important fight. Contribute today and your gift towards a Democratic majority in the House will be DOUBLED. Together, we will win. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, ![]() Bill Clinton P.S. We must do whatever it takes to win. We are faced with an opponent working day and night to move America away from the principles and priorities we value most as Democrats. Contribute to win the House for Democrats today. If you contribute by June 30th, your gift will be doubled and will go twice as far. The single most important thing you can do to help win a Democratic majority is make a contribution.
Venture Bros Season 2 debut rocked solid ...
And why aren't those GOP scum in prison? - Sparky
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