Last Wednesday I asked you to join me in calling for the replacement of Michael Brown as FEMA Director. Yesterday, Mike Brown resigned. Thank you for standing up with me and demanding that our government give the victims of Katrina and its aftermath the leadership they deserve.
It was the public outcry from people like us that helped President Bush finally recognize what I have been saying from the beginning - the federal response to this disaster must be managed by a capable, qualified leader. Together, we brought qualified leadership to the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.
At times like this it is critical that we stand together for what is right.
Michael Brown has now resigned after being sent back to Washington D.C. and Admiral Thad Allen, an emergency response professional, has been put in charge of the federal management of this crisis on the ground. Admiral Allen has a difficult job ahead, but at least he brings to it years of experience - something that has been tragically lacking thus far.
With qualified, experienced, and effective leadership on the ground, we can work together to provide the victims of Hurricane Katrina with the income, food, clothing, and housing resources they desperately need to begin the long process of rebuilding their lives.
To be clear, that does not mean that the rest of the Administration has been held accountable. A thorough investigation is still absolutely necessary.
And while both parties claim to recognize this, thus far Republicans have only paid lip service to getting to the bottom of this and fixing what is wrong. While holding a press conference about their proposed "bipartisan" commission, the Republican leaders in Congress neglected to mention that:
- Democrats had not even been consulted about the proposal, and had to learn about it through the press conference.
- Their proposal would place more Republicans on the committee than Democrats.
- Democrats would not be allowed to have vital subpoena power.
Now that Speaker Hastert and Leader Frist have decided to form a partisan committee, the only way to get Americans the truth about what went wrong and how to improve the federal government's response to future disasters is by creating an independent commission.
It should be modeled after the independent, bipartisan 9/11 Commission, which did a huge service to our country with its excellent report detailing the urgent task before us to make our nation safer.
The most crucial task we face will be easing the burden on those devastated by this catastrophe. You will hear much more from us soon as Democrats put forth our ideas to help them rebuild their lives and help our country get back on its feet. We've accomplished the first step together, now let's prepare to do everything we can to make sure the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast now have a much better chance to rebuild their lives.
Thank you for lending your voice.
Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Leader
USA TodayBeleaguered FEMA director Brown resigns
Houston Chronicle, United States -
... Michael Brown's resignation came after he was recalled to Washington from New Orleans on Friday amid allegations that his agency had responded slowly and ...
Embattled Brown resigns as Fema chief
Bush names successor to Brown
FEMA chief Brown resigns
Katrina survivor searchers prepare for the worst
September 11, 2005
Workers are scouring New Orleans for any remaining survivors of Hurricane Katrina, and are vigorously searching for dead bodies. 25,000 body bags have been prepared in advance, for the event that the death toll from Katrina is that high. Temporary warehouses are being set up around the city to deal with corpse storage.
In the last twenty-four to thirty-six hours, however, officials have revised downward, at least three times, the estimated death toll; 35,000, 10,000, and now less than 10,000. After the first sweep of the city devoted to recovery of bodies, officials retrieved approximately 800 bodies.
Floodwaters are receding, but leaving a great deal of mud and contaminated water in their wake, filled with high levels of bacteria and viruses.
All survivors are urged to leave the city. Dr. Julie Gerberding, head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said "If you haven't left the city yet, you must do so," and stated that anyone who comes in contact with the nearly toxic water must immediately wash themselves with clean water. If necessary, force will be used to remove all remaining citizens from New Orleans.
While Dr. Gerberding's statement about mandatory evacuation seems clear, other officials have not been as emphatic. When asked about mandatory evacuations, New Orleans Police Superintendent Eddie Compass, while reaffirming the official word, qualified his statement stating that every reasonable means would be used to logically convince a person that it is in his best interest to evacuate. The superintendent would not comment on whether force would be used if reason failed. Furthermore, utility workers are in the process of re-establishing power to the Central Business District of the city prompting residents in those areas to reconsider the evacuation option.
Residents of Jefferson Parish, and the upper portions of Saint Bernard Parish will be allowed to permanently return to their homes starting on Monday. Conditions in those areas - re-establishment of power, clearing of roads, and abatement of water - have improved to the point of making permanent return possible. Parish President Arron Broussard and Councilor Jennifer Sneed stated that residents should be allowed to return as soon as possible so repairs and rebuilding may begin.
In other news companies are working with [w:FEMA|Federal Emergency Management Agency] to provide money and support to the victims of Katrina, in order to ease them into a new life. In addition, a contract in the amount of approximately thirty-three million dollars has been let to repair the I-10 span crossing the eastern portion of Lake Pontchartrain. Many of the bridge sections, especially on the eastern-facing span, were knocked off their pilings as hurricane Katrina passed near the city. The contractor expects one span to be repaired and opened for traffic within forty-five days.
- Sharon Cohen/Associated Press "Teams Work to Find New Orleans Survivors". Yahoo!, September 08, 2005 September 10 & 11, 2005 WAFB Baton Rouge Times Picayune
- "First wave of Minnesota-bound Katrina survivors expected Tuesday". Associated Press, September 08, 2005 (Note: Free registration required to view this article.)
Michael Brown, Director of FEMA resigns
September 12, 2005
Michael Brown, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced his resignation as Director. Brown had come under criticism for FEMA's slow reaction and handling of the devastation in New Orleans caused by Hurricane Katrina. Last week Michael Chertoff, head of the Department of Homeland Security, relieved Brown as leader of the relief efforts in New Orleans and appointed Coast Guard Admiral Thad W. Allen in his place.
Brown told the Associated Press that the focus had to be FEMA and the efforts of people in the disaster areas. Brown also said that his resignation was in the best interests of the agency and President Bush, who himself, has recieved criticism over the handling of the disaster.
Hurricane Katrina
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, many Democratic politicians called for Brown to be fired immediately, including California Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski, New York Senators Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer, Colorado Senator Ken Salazar, Michigan Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick and Senator Debbie Stabenow, Louisiana State Rep. Peter Sullivan, Nevada Senator Harry Reid, and Illinois Senator Dick Durbin.
Republican politicians such as Senator Trent Lott have also criticized Brown's leadership of FEMA. Brown's performance has been defended, however, by Republicans such as former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Florida Governor Jeb Bush and former Presidential speechwriter Pat Buchanan. President Bush publicly praised Brown's handling of the disaster, saying "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." [01]
On August 29, 2005, five hours after the hurricane hit land, Brown made his first request for Homeland Security rescue workers, to be deployed to the disaster area only after two days of training. [21] He also told fire and rescue departments outside affected areas to refrain from providing trucks or emergency workers without a direct appeal from state or local governments in order to avoid coordination problems and the accusation of overstepping federal authority.
On September 1, 2005, Brown told Paula Zahn of CNN that he was unaware that New Orleans officials had housed thousands of evacuees, who quickly ran out of food and water, in the Convention Center--even though major news outlets had been reporting on the evacuees' plight for at least a day. He also criticized those that were stuck in New Orleans as those "who chose not to evacuate, who chose not to leave the city" (disobeying a mandatory evacuation order.)
On September 2, 2005, Mayor of Chicago Richard M. Daley stated that he pledged firefighters, police officers, health department workers, and other resources on behalf of the city, but was only asked to send one tank truck.[02]
Sources- Associated Press "FEMA Director Michael Brown resigns". MSNBC, September 12, 2005
- Associated Press "FEMA Chief Brown Resigns". Fox News, September 12, 2005
WikiNews Main Page News Crawl
September 13
- Volcanic bulge found in Oregon
- Blues singer D’Angelo sentenced on cocaine charge
- Oracle to acquire Siebel for USD 5.85bn
- Colleges offering admission to displaced New Orleans graduate students
- Telstra sale legislation debated in Australian House of Representatives, considered "urgent"
September 12
- Los Angeles undergoing large power outage
- England win the Ashes
- NZ opposition leader admits to fundamentalist contacts
- Hong Kong Disneyland opens to the public
- Michael Brown, Director of FEMA resigns
- EBay to acquire Skype
- US peace activist to be deported from Australia
- Bush approval rating sinks to 38%
- Koizumi wins electoral mandate for postal reform
September 11
- Katrina raised gas prices higher than ever
- Loyalist rioting erupts in Belfast
- UK Chancellor blames OPEC for oil crisis, refuses to cut fuel tax
- Chile remembers its own September 11 anniversary
- Red Cross asks for more volunteers
- Katrina survivor searchers prepare for the worst
September 10
- Australia proposes new anti-terror laws
- Swedish minister wants more free-to-air channels in the terrestrial television network
- Read Santa Clara marks tenth anniversary
- Guadalupe River Park and Gardens opens in San Jose, CA, USA
- Saudi Arabia agrees with the US on joining the WTO
- FEMA head relieved of duties
- Wendy’s finger pointers plead guilty of crime
- One week before German federal election, the race is wide-open again
- All major American TV networks show charity concert for Katrina victims
- Red Cross is not in New Orleans for Katrina, Guard raced it to Superdome
- British Gas announces a hike in energy bills of 14.2%
- Celebrities contribute to Katrina relief
September 9
- Israel completing Gaza withdrawal
- Ford, Fiat to produce small cars together
- Report: Annan failed to fix Oil for Food program
- Sydney train doors stuck, passengers delayed
- Firefox 1.5 beta released to public
- New Orleans officials confiscating guns
- Malawi food appeal unanswered by world community
- FEMA head Michael Brown recalled to Washington
- US ABC network to offer more shows dubbed in Spanish
- How the Army Corps of Engineers closed one New Orleans breach
- News Corp acquires IGN for US$650 million
- GNOME Project unveils latest version of Linux and Unix desktop
- EBay may acquire VoIP firm Skype
- NASA announces Shuttle delay due to Hurricane Katrina
September 8
- Ukrainian president Yushchenko dismisses PM, cabinet
- California state legislature passes same-sex marriage bill
- Afghan-Tajik border control transferred from Russia
- Controversial rapper dethrones Mariah Carey from No. 1
- Oil price falls on inventory report
- US FEMA aid site only supports Windows with Internet Explorer
- UN inquiry finds mismanagement and failure of oversight
- Google hires Vint Cerf, the "father of the Internet"
- Death of candidate will delay final results for German federal election by weeks
- Aerial photos of Katrina's aftermath available
- Samsung to sell dual-standard DVD player
- Halliburton's KBR awarded half billion dollar repair contract for Gulf Coast Navy facilities
- Blair is first public official to apologize for Hurricane Katrina response
- Controversy erupts over German Anarchist Pogo Party's campaign ad
I see the Guru made a stab at promoting his bad old self at the Engine - we hope whatever is done is worksafe .... Sparky likes Warren Ellis' and Ben Templesmith's FELL #1 so much - he even did fanart ...

Save us all - Sparky
At 3:29 PM ,
Anonymous said...
After reading the adventures of the PPGuru, I've felt your pain. Your attention to exquisite detail is quite impressive. I am convinced these "adventures" are real. Nobody can just make this stuff up. You are a true survivor.
At 4:57 PM ,
ZenPupDog said...
Kurapika (クラピカ, Kurapika) is the last survivor of the Kurta Clan. He is a Blacklist Hunter and the current leader of the organization founded by Light Nostrade. He is a member of the Zodiacs with the codename "Rat" ( 子 ね , Ne). His goal is to avenge his clan and recover the remaining Scarlet Eyes.
He is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro.
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