The Purple Pinup Guru Platform

When purple things are pulsating on your mind, I'm the one whose clock you want to clean. Aiding is Sparky, the Astral Plane Zen Pup Dog from his mountain stronghold on the Northernmost Island of the Happy Ninja Island chain, this blog will also act as a journal to my wacky antics at an entertainment company and the progress of my self published comic book, The Deposit Man which only appears when I damn well feel like it. Real Soon Now.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

You ALL Know The Drill By Now!!

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“... David Duke and white supremacists are grappling with arrests for an Obama murder plot, while hoping an Obama presidency will be good for them. ...”

I fucking told you that someone with McCain mindset would link to the Tailhook scandal - simply by default... like all abusers — they believe their targets are “attracted” to their macho bluster.
McCain on heading to Brazil to get 'women' - It's easier there.
When in truth — it's always women with a 3rd world POV about being 2nd class citizens in a Man's World. It was obvious in the way McCain couldn't remove his gaze on “Pebble”'s pert breasts.
Which of course - seems to be the only thing the poor dear has going for her ...
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MoJo: David Corn: From Tailhook to the McCain Transition Team
Former Navy Secretary John Lehman played an R-rated role in a major military scandal. Now he's in charge of planning for a possible McCain administration. ...

The Tailhook scandalThe image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
The infamous Tailhook patch, worn by a staff member of TOPGUN, 1992. In September 1991, the 35th annual symposium in Las Vegas featured a two-day debrief on Navy and Marine Corps aviation in Operation Desert Storm. It was the largest such meeting yet held, with some 4,000 attendees: active, reserve, and retired personnel.According to a Department of Defense report, 83 women and 7 men stated that they had been victims of assault and sexual harassment during the meeting.

On October 29, 1991, possibly responding to political pressure, and well before completion of any investigations, the Department of the Navy terminated all ties to the association.[citation needed] Although the association cooperated fully in the ensuing investigations and had never held authority over military personnel, ties were not restored with the Navy until January 19, 1999.[citation needed]

A series of official investigations was conducted, but all were widely criticized, involving official cover-ups by senior Navy and civilian officials, and denial of due process to hundreds of individuals, most of whom were not accused of any wrongdoing.[citation needed] Aviators spoke of a "witch hunt" mentality in the George H. W. Bush Administration, even though President George H.W. Bush had been a Navy pilot.[citation needed]

Indeed, most of the 4000 male military attendees were interviewed several times, many as much as five times or more. Initial investigations by the former NIS (Naval Investigative Service) were often botched applications of techniques such as the use of a single bright lamp in a dark room and asking the pilots questions such as "When was the last time you masturbated?" in an effort to apply psychological pressure. The tactic backfired: the pilots were not intimidated and threatened legal action in return for the "guilty until proven innocent" atmosphere they were forced to endure. The investigation evolved into such a disaster the NIS was dissolved and eventually replaced by the NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service). DoD investigators officially declared the Tailhook 1991 investigation closed.

The issues were never quite settled, and as late as 2002, the Tailhook chairman spoke of "the alleged misconduct that occurred in 1991".[1]

Frontline on PBS reported:

Ultimately the careers of fourteen admirals and almost 300 naval aviators were scuttled or damaged by Tailhook. For example Secretary of the Navy H. Lawrence Garrett III and CNO Admiral Frank Kelso were both at Tailhook '91. Garrett ultimately resigned and Kelso retired early two years after the convention.[2]

Author Jean Zimmerman developed the thesis that the scandal underscored the shifting status of women in the military and particularly the role of women in combat.[3] As such, Tailhook can be seen as part of the evolution of the armed forces that continued through the losses of female soldiers in Iraq.

Cultural use

The scandal was satirized on two episodes of The Simpsons, in which a character, Waylon Smithers, confessed that:

"He feels about as low as Madonna when she found out she had missed Tailhook."

and an admiral that would have thrown the book at Homer in Simpson Tide did nothing because he was indicted in the Tailhook Scandal.

In an episode of The X-Files ("Detour"), Dana Scully visits her FBI partner Fox Mulder in his hotel room and reminds him that they are violating the FBI policy of male and female agents consorting in the same hotel room. Mulder jokingly warns her not to "try any of that Tailhook crap" on him.

The scandal was also referenced in The West Wing, during a debate about "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". When arguing with a Congressman about the issue, Sam Seaborn says:

There's something I'd always wanted to ask you. Why does being gay mean you can't keep your hands to yourself? Over what kind of gentlemanly pride are the Armed Forces willing to lay claim the restraint in that area? You want me to get the file on sexual harassment on the D.O.D.? Do you want me to ask these guys about Tailhook?

The scandal was also referenced in JAG on numerous occasions, usually in a negative comparison with comments along the lines of the season 1 episode "Black Ops" when said "This will ruin more careers than Tailhook."

MoJo: James Ridgeway: Fear of a Black President
Commentary: How a potential Obama presidency has become a rallying cry for white supremacists.
The prospect of an African American president is bringing the nation's white supremacists out of the shadows—and, along with them, some subtler versions of racialist populism. Both hearken back to another economically and socially turbulent time in the United States, in the early 1980s.
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Daniel Cowart (above) and Paul Schlesselman, the two neo-Nazis arrested for plotting to kill 102 African American high school students and then embark on a killing spree that would end with the assassination of Barack Obama, clearly drew inspiration from a criminal white nationalist group called The Order. In the early 1980s, members of The Order carried out a series of crimes that included robbery, counterfeiting, and a high-profile murder in order to advance their plans to found a white homeland.

The connection to The Order is evident in the numbers the two men had scrawled on their car: 14 and 88. The so-called Fourteen Words is a slogan—"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"—coined by Order member David Lane, who also authored an article called The 88 Precepts. In white supremacist circles, 14-88 is a shorthand expression of allegiance to the beliefs put forth by Lane and The Order. Their aim was to establish a whites-only nation in the Pacific Northwest, where they could preserve the Aryan race from being polluted by nonwhites and enslaved by what they called the Zionist Occupied Government of the United States. (Lane also advocated polygamy and a kind of European paganism he called "Wotanism.")

The plot hatched by Cowart and Schlesselman seems to have posed little real threat to Obama: Their plans to "dress in all white tuxedos" and top hats and "drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows" is as unlikely as it is grotesque. Considering the nation's history of deadly school shootings, however, the skinheads' plan to rob a gun store and then shoot 88 students and behead 14 more at a predominantly black high school is (with the possible exception of the beheadings) frighteningly plausible.

A look at Cowart and Schlesselman's model is sobering as well. For two years, from 1983 to 1985, The Order—also known as the Brüder Schweigen or Silent Brotherhood—was active, violent, and deadly. In order to finance their mission, the gang robbed a series of banks and armored cars and ran a counterfeiting operation, and was best known for the 1984 murder of Denver talk-show host Alan Berg. The group's founder, Robert Jay Mathews, modeled himself after the main character in National Alliance leader William Pierce's The Turner Diaries. Mathews was killed in a fiery shootout with federal agents in 1984, while David Lane was arrested in 1985 and died in prison last year while serving a 190-year sentence. Both have become heroes and martyrs to the white supremacist movement.

During the heyday of the racist far right in the 1980s, The Order was only one of the groups active across the United States. (I reported on that subculture for years, and produced a book and a film about it.) But those who track the white power movement generally view it as in decline after the 1980s—swallowed up in part by the onset of Christian fundamentalism, muffled by the anti-government policies of conservative Republicans, and floundering around without clear purpose or leadership. Yet remnants of it have clearly survived. They surfaced with horrific results in Oklahoma City in 1995, after Timothy McVeigh also found inspiration in The Turner Diaries and The Order. And they can be found among today's skinheads and their fellow travelers. Some of these are part of biker gangs—including the Sons of Silence, who were implicated in a threat against Obama at the Democratic convention in Denver. Some have joined the anti-immigrant vigilante movement, committing drive-by shootings of Mexican laborers. Others are scattered around doing their own thing, picking fights in bars, beating up gay men or random African Americans. According to one report, their numbers in the US military have grown as recruitment efforts become more desperate.

Wherever they exist, white supremacists are clearly coming out of their dark corners in response to Obama's presidential campaign. Both federal law enforcement officials and independent organizations that monitor hate groups are reporting increased traffic on the Internet, and even a kind of twisted optimism that Obama's election will produce a "backlash" and lead to the white uprising they've dreamt about. In June, David Duke wrote, "Obama will be no worse for us than any of the White sell-outs that came before him. But, Obama will be a clear signal for millions of our people. Obama is a visual aid for White Americans who just don't get it yet that we have lost control of our country, and unless we get it back we are heading for complete annihilation as a people... Obama is the wake up call."

I've heard similar statements this month while traveling across the country with a crew from Guardian Films. In Missouri, we interviewed Steven Boswell, member of the National Socialist Movement, who says he is "hearing things coming out of people's mouths now" that he never heard a few years ago, like "that there's gonna be a race war coming up, and we better be ready for it." He predicts that "as the economy continues to get worse, as our country continues to be overrun by Mexicans, as Obama gets elected and takes office, there will be opportunities that we have to be ready for and have to capitalize on."

This is all sadly consistent with the long history of American Nativism, in which periods of social insecurity and economic despair have yielded increased racism, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia, together with a populist distrust of national government. It was during the farm crisis of the 1980s, amidst an epidemic of foreclosures, that I last heard rural Midwesterners describe elaborate conspiracies in which Jewish bankers—who sometimes had ties to international communism, as well as to the black and brown people who served as their frontline troops—had already taken over the US government, and would soon arrive to deprive "sovereign" white men of their land, their rights, their freedom.

Twenty-five years later, I'm hearing thinly encoded messages that suggest that this kind of thinking still prevails among some people here in the heartland—perhaps gaining new fuel from the apocalyptic financial meltdown. In Missouri last week, as we filmed a story on ethanol, a plant manager shared with the Guardian's correspondent his belief that Obama is not only a Muslim, but also hinted that he may be the anti-Christ whose coming was predicted by the Book of Revelation.

Such beliefs seem to be once again finding purchase among people who would never sport a swastika tattoo or identify as white supremacists, but rather think of themselves as hardworking, patriotic Christians who have been double-crossed by the system. When the despair runs deep enough, and finds no other outlet, it can veer into the kind of racialist, paranoid populism that is both more understated and more widespread—and thus more frightening—than the skinheads with their sawed-off shotguns and Nazi salutes.

Some portions of this piece originally appeared on Guardian Films Road to the White House blog.

The Daily Beast: Max Blumenthal: White Supremacists Fantasize That Obama Will Help Them Recruit

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On October 27, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms announced the arrest of two young neo-Nazis, Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman, who allegedly plotted to assassinate Barack Obama. The strange event suggests that a criminal element within the white supremacist movement is hell-bent on racial violence if Obama becomes president.

On the other hand, key leaders of the movement's organized front see a potential Obama administration as a rising tide that will lift their sagging boats. They hope to leverage white resentment against Obama's presidency to generate unprecedented funding, bolster membership rolls, and influence the political mainstream.

According to the ATF, Cowart and Schlesselman planned to suit up in white tuxedoes and top hats and then massacre 88 black people, 14 by decapitation, including Obama among their targets. The numbers 88 and 14 are signifiant in neo-Nazi culture: "H" is the 8th letter of the alphabet; "HH" stands for "Heil Hitler." Fourteen symbolizes the 14-word pledge of the neo-Nazi group, The Order.

Initially portrayed in media accounts as "lone wolves" without institutional affiliations, new information about the would-be assassins suggests deeper connections into the subculture of neo-Nazi thugs united by an adulation of Adolf Hitler and desire for vigilante violence. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of the would-be assassins, Daniel Cowart, was a "probate member" of an incipient youth group of the neo-Nazi movement, Supreme White Alliance.

Cowart also maintained a friendship with the SWA's founder, Steven Edwards. Steven Edwards is the son of Ron Edwards, the founder of the Imperial Klans of America, a neo-Nazi outfit best known for the "Nordic Fest" white power concerts it holds at its 15-acre compound in Kentucky.

After the Southern Poverty Law Center revealed Cowart's connection to SWA, the group posted a defensive statement on its website denying his role in organizational activities. "Since [the SWA's annual election] none of the SWA members have had any contact with accused," the website declared. "So before you get your story wrong, [SPLC], get the facts." At the same time, the Supreme White Alliance acknowledged that Cowart was indeed a "probate member."

Even as it distances itself from the plot against Obama, the SWA openly advocates violence against minority groups. Its website currently posts a statement reading "Unless we have an unseen army of total Barbarians, devoid of pity, of compassion, of compunctions, of restraining moralisms, we are doomed. He who practices chivalry, when the enemy has none, fights with both hands tied behind his back. Our people must have commitment, courage, and honor fighting to free their land from the jewish scourge. Better one day as a lion, than years as a sheep."

In April 2008, Cowart and several SWA members celebrated Adolf Hitler's birthday at member's house. While there, Cowart rubbed shoulders with Joshua Steever, a 28-year-old with the word, "Racist," boldly tattooed on his forehead. In July 2006, Steever was arrested for threatening to kill two black high school students in Newark, California. A year earlier, Steever had been arrested for attacking a man with an axe handle. "He just roves around from state to state screwing with people," Daryle Jenkins, founder of the anti-racist group, One Peoples Project, told me.

Cowart's profile closely resembles that of his friend, Steever. A high school dropout who lived with his grandparents, Cowart described his mood as "bored" on a personal web page. This October, he struck out to fulfill his violent fantasies with Schlesselmann, a fellow Tennessee-based neo-Nazi he met online. Like Steever, who lashed out against students of a predominately black school, Cowart and Schlesselman planned to massacre students at an unspecified, mostly black high school. In the end, the destructive duo resorted to shooting out the front window of a black church in Brownsville, Arkansas in the dead of night before they were arrested.

The organized front of the white racist movement -- self-described "white nationalists" -- have reacted to Cowart and Schlesselman's Obama assassination plot with concern about their own exposure. White nationalists operate in the light of day seeking opportunities for mainstream influence, particularly in anti-immigration campaigning. Hapless as they may have been, Cowart and Schlesselman elevated white nationalist fears about heightened scrutiny from federal law enforcement, and threatened to sully the movement's image at a pivotal moment, when a potential African-American president offered them a chance to exploit unprecedented anti-black resentment.

On Stormfront, a white nationalist chat site with over 144,000 registered users, posters cast the plot against Obama as a mortal threat to their movement. "There are far worse things than having a black president -- for instance, killing one is far worse!" "Virginia Gentlewoman." "If anyone wants to see things get really bad for whites, then this is the way to go, folks! Might as well wrap up the whole movement and invite oppression."

"Virginia Gentlewoman," according to Daryle Jenkins, is a leading white nationalist activist named Wendy Murphy who participates in monthly discussions of white nationalist strategy at Sala Thai, a restaurant in Northern Virginia. Most activists who join her at these gatherings are members of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a racist group that evolved from the White Citizens Councils that opposed integration in the South -- known as the "Uptown Klan" because of the group's pretensions to mainstream political influence. With over 10,000 members, the CofCC is currently the country's most powerful white nationalist group.

Stormfront members who replied to Murphy's thread agreed with her almost unanimously. The plot by Cowart and Schlessman represented such a dire threat to the white movement, they reasoned it must have been a Jewish plot. "ADL [Anti-Defamation League] has already endorsed the story. One of the would-be perpetrators has a Jewish sounding name. Something like this was so predictable," a poster using the handle, Thunderhead, wrote. "It seems like a plot to defame [white nationalists] before the election," wrote another Stormfront member called "tasteofsnowflakes."

Many white nationalists who have longed for mainstream influence see unprecedented opportunity in an Obama presidency. In June, former Ku Klux Klan leader and Louisiana Republican gubernatorial candidate David Duke presented Obama's ascendancy as an encouraging prospect for the white nationalist movement. "My bet is that whether Obama wins or loses in November, millions of European Americans will inevitably react with new awareness of their heritage and the need for them to defend and advance it," Duke wrote in an manifesto called "A Black Flag for White America."

Duke, who was once the face of the white nationalist movement, sees Obama as a chance to recover some of his credibility. Duke badly damaged his reputation within white movement circles in 2000 when he entered into a business partnership with rap producer Suge Knight. In 2003 he was sentenced to fifteen months in a Texas prison for tax and mail fraud -- bilking his supporters out of thousands of dollars.

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One of the two young men accused of plotting to kill presidential candidate Barack Obama and more than 100 other people had ties to a skinhead group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, was apparently a member of a skinhead group formed earlier this year, according to the center, a Montgomery, Ala.-based group that tracks hate-group activity.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has obtained a photo of Cowart with others linked to the Supreme White Alliance at a celebration of Adolf Hitler's birthday in April. A pink-frosted cake displayed in the photo has the letters "SWA" written on it.

The group is apparently distancing itself from Cowart and his alleged plan to kill Obama, the first black man nominated to be president by a major political party, as the climax of a state-to-state killing spree. A posting by the group after Cowart's arrest says he was a "probationary" member who had been kicked out, according to a post on the Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch blog.

But Heidi Beirich, a law center spokeswoman, said there are clear connections between Cowart and the group. Cowart is listed as "Member #3" on the Supreme White Alliance's social networking site.

"I am easy going and easy to get along with, as long as you are White!" Cowart's profile says.

Cowart is also listed as a friend of Steven Edwards, the president of the Supreme White Alliance, according to the law center's post. Southern Poverty Law Center is suing Edwards' father, Ron, leader of the Kentucky-based Imperial Klans of America, in connection to the 2006 beating of a Panamanian boy at a county fair.

Steven Edwards on Tuesday condemned Cowart's alleged plot and denied that Cowart had been a part of his "club," but nevertheless said he was resigning as its president over negative publicity the case generated.

"We don't go out and start trouble. We are more like a social club. We just hang out," Steve Edwards of Central City, Ky., told The Associated Press.

Federal authorities say Cowart met Paul Schlesselman, 18, his alleged co-conspirator, on the Internet through a mutual friend about a month ago.

Cowart and Schlesselman, of West Helena, Ark., are being held without bond in federal custody at the J. Alexander Leech Criminal Justice Complex in Jackson. Madison County Sheriff David Woolfork said the two are being kept in isolation "as a precaution."

Schlesselman and Cowart had their first appearance in federal court Monday. They are charged with illegal possession of a sawed-off shotgun, conspiracy to rob a federal firearms licensee and making threats against a major candidate for the office of president.

The suspects also told authorities they planned to target an unidentified predominantly black school.

Jackson-Madison County Schools Superintendent Nancy Zambito said she had not been notified of any threats toward local schools and that the schools are taking their normal security precautions this week. There are school resource officers placed in the system's middle and high schools.

Because several schools serve as polling sites during elections, the School Board and Zambito decided during the summer to take extra security precautions on Election Day and cancel school for students. Teachers will have an inservice Tuesday, Zambito said.

Schlesselman and Cowart are scheduled to be in federal court in Memphis on Thursday for a detention hearing.

A message left at the office of Cowart's attorney, Joe Byrd Jr. of Jackson, was not immediately returned Tuesday.

M. Dianne Smothers, a federal public defender based in Jackson, will represent Schlesselman, according to court records. A person who answered the phone at the public defenders office said she had been instructed to tell all media inquiries that the office has no comment.

NAACP Jackson Branch president Harrell Carter on Tuesday said the recent threats highlight the racism problem in America.

"It's unfortunate that we've maintained a culture that oftentimes neglects the issues of race," Carter said. "As a consequence, our young people live in an environment that we, as adults, have created and do not know how to escape."

America's history with race relations has only been brought out more because Obama, who has black and white lineage, is the Democratic nominee for president, he said.

"Barack Obama represents two races of people, but yet he's considered black because this country has a history of stating that one drop of black blood makes a person black," Carter said. "Racism permeates our education system and our workplaces. These young people are displaying learned behavior."

Southern Poverty Law Center

Southern Poverty Law Center
Type non-profit organization
Founded 1971, Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.
Headquarters Montgomery, Alabama
Key people Morris Dees, Director
Industry Civil rights law

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is an American non-profit legal organization, internationally known for its tolerance education programs, its legal victories against white supremacists and its tracking of organisations it calls hate groups.

The SPLC is based in Montgomery, Alabama, in the Southern United States. It was founded in 1971 by Morris Dees, Joseph J. Levin Jr., and civil rights leader Julian Bond as a civil rights law firm.[1] In addition to free legal service to the victims of discrimination and hate crime, the Center publishes a quarterly Intelligence Report which investigates extremism and hate crimes in the United States.

The SPLC has been criticized by detractors for its tactics and financial practices.[2] It has also been described as a "a controversial, liberal organization"[3] by columnist Thomas Edsall as it occasionally involves itself in broader issues such as the separation of church and state.[4]


The Southern Poverty Law Center was organized by Dees and Levin in 1971 during a desegregation case (Smith v. Young Men's Christian Association[5]), as a law firm to handle anti-discrimination cases in the United States. The organization's first president was Julian Bond, formerly of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Bond served as president of the SPLC until 1979 and remains on its board of directors. In 1979 the Center brought the first of its many cases against the Ku Klux Klan. In 1981 the Center began its "Klanwatch" (now "Hatewatch") project to monitor and track the activities of the KKK, which has been expanded to include seven other types of hate organizations.[6]

Southern Poverty Law Center Headquarters in Montgomery, Alabama.

In July 1983 Klan members firebombed the center's office destroying the building and records.[7] Federal investigators said "the intruders went to work quickly, dousing files, desks and carpets with a petroleum based liquid, perhaps gasoline mixed with motor oil or diesel fuel and concentrating on the four corners of the 6,000-square-foot building."[7] In February 1985 Klan members and a Klan sympathizer pled guilty to federal and state charges to the fire.[8] At the trial, "Joe M. Garner and Roy T. Downs Jr., identified as klansmen, and Charles Bailey pleaded guilty to a two-count information charging them with conspiring to threaten, oppress and intimidate members of black organizations represented by the law center."[8] Over 30 people have been jailed in connection with plots to kill Dees or blow up the center.[9]

That same year, Dees became the primary assassination target of The Order, a revolutionary white supremacist group, for his work with the SPLC.[10] Radio host Alan Berg was killed by the group outside his Colorado home; he was the number two on its list.[11]

In 1987 the group won a case against the United Klans of America.[12] This included a $7 million judgment for the mother of Michael Donald, a black lynching victim in Alabama.[12] In 1987 the Klan again targeted Dees and planned to bomb the SPLC.[13]

In 1989 the Center unveiled its Civil Rights Memorial designed by Maya Lin.[14] The Center's "Teaching Tolerance" project was initiated in 1991, and its "Klanwatch" program has gradually expanded to include other "anti-hate" monitoring projects and a list of reported "hate groups" in the United States.

In October 1990, the SPLC won $12.5 million in damages against Tom Metzger and his White Aryan Resistance when a Portland, Oregon, jury held the neo-Nazi group liable in the beating death of an Ethiopian immigrant.[15] While Meztger lost his home and will not be publishing any more material, the full amount of the multi-million dollar reward was not recovered.[16] In 1995 a group of four white males were indicted for plans to blow up the SPLC.[17]

A 1996 USA Today article claimed that the Southern Poverty Law Center is "the nation's richest civil rights organization", with $68 million in assets at the time.[18] Starting in 1971, the SPLC set aside money for its endowment in future programs, which is currently $111 million in order "to carry on the struggle for tolerance and justice — for as long as it is needed."[19]

In May 1998, three white supremacists were arrested for allegedly planning a nationwide campaign of assassinations and bombings targeting "Morris Dees, an undisclosed federal judge in Illinois, a black radio-show host in Missouri, Dees's Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama, the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, and the Anti-Defamation League in New York."[20] Several neo-Nazi groups held a rally in front of SPLC headquarters in early 2003.[21]

In July 2007, the SPLC filed suit against the Imperial Klans of America (IKA) in Meade County, where in July 2006 five Klansmen allegedly beat Jordan Gruver, a 16-year-old boy of Panamanian descent at a Kentucky county fair.[9] Since filing the suit the SPLC has received nearly a dozen threats "promising the most dangerous threat" ever faced.[9] A July 29 letter allegedly came from Hal Turner, a white supremacist talk show host.[9]

The SPLC's initiatives include the website The website has been a past winner of a Webby Award which is a set of awards presented to the "world's best websites."[22] The website houses multiple initiatives:

  • Daily news about groups and individuals working for tolerance and fighting hate;
  • Guidebooks for adult and youth activists;
  • Practical resources for parents and teachers; ("Teaching Tolerance")[23] and
  • Entertaining and educational games for young children.

According to the SPLC "Teaching Tolerance provides educators with free educational materials that promote respect for differences and appreciation of diversity in the classroom and beyond."[24]

"Teaching Tolerance" is aimed at two different age groups of students with separate materials for teachers and parents. One portion of the project targets elementary school children, providing informational material on the history of the civil rights movement.[25] The center's material for children includes a publication entitled "A fresh look at multicultural 'American English'" that explores the cultural history of common words. A project website designed for elementary school children includes an interactive program that allows users to "explore" political topics such as school mascots with Native American names, the Confederate flag, and popular music and entertainment. It alleges that many of these highlighted events exhibit cases of racial, gender, and sexual orientation insensitivity.

A similar educational program aimed at teenagers in the middle and high school age groups includes a "Mix it Up" project urging readers to participate in various school activities that encourage interaction between different social groups.[26] Other features of the teenager educational project include political activism tips and reports highlighting examples of student activism. A monthly SPLC publication for teens promotes a highlighted political movement, normally focusing on minority, feminist, and LGBT youth organizations. The program also provides publications to students such as "Ways to fight hate on campus" suggesting ideas for community activism and diversity education.

"Teaching Tolerance" also provides advice and materials for parents aimed at encouraging multiculturalism in the upbringing of their children.[22] A guide published by the project urges parents to "examine the 'diversity profile' for your children's friends," move to "integrated and economically diverse neighborhoods," and discourage children from playing with toys or adopting heroes that "promote violence." The publication also advises parents on the use of culturally sensitive language such as promoting gender-neutral phrasings such as "Someone Special Day" instead of the traditional Mothers Day or Fathers Day and urges them to ensure "cultural diversity reflected in your home's artwork, music and literature."


The SPLC also produces documentary films. Two have won Academy Awards for documentary short subject: "Mighty Times: The Children's March", in 2005, and "A Time for Justice, America's Civil Rights Movement" in 1995.[27] Five others have been nominated.

Notable cases

The Southern Poverty Law Center provides free legal services to the victims of hate crime, and has won many notable civil cases with large money awards for the plaintiffs.[28][29] In addition to providing free magazines and videos on race relations to more than 50,000 schools, Dees and the SPLC "have been credited with devising innovative legal ways to cripple hate groups, including seizing their assets."[30]

The first SPLC case was filed against the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Montgomery, Alabama who "continued to segregate children, going so far as to ban kids who swam at an integrated pool from city-wide meets." In 1969, the YMCA refused to allow two African American children to its summer camp, and the SPLC sued on behalf of the children's parents.[31] In the course of SPLC's lawsuit, Dees "uncovered a secret 1958 agreement between the city and the YMCA in which city officials gave the YMCA control of many city recreational activities."[31] In 1972 the court ruled that Montgomery had given the YMCA control with a "municipal character," and "ordered the YMCA to stop its discriminatory, segregationist practices."[31]

In 1981 the SPLC took the Klan to court to stop racial harassment and intimidation against Vietnamese fisherman.[32][33] In May 1981 the courts sided with the Vietnamese fisherman and the SPLC, forcing the Klan to end harassment.[34] Also in 1981 the SPLC won a case which "ordered an Alabama county to pay salaries to the staff of its first black probate judge, continuing a practice that, in violation of state law, had been in use for more than two decades."[35]

In 1987 the SPLC successfully brought a civil case, on behalf of the victim's family, against the United Klans of America (UKA) for the 1981 lynching of Michael Donald, a nineteen year old black man in Mobile, Alabama.[36] Unable to come up the $7 million awarded by the jury, the UKA were forced to turn over its national headquarters to Donald's mother, who then sold it and used the money to purchase her first house.[37]

On November 13, 1988 three white supremacists who were members of East Side White Pride and White Aryan Resistance beat Mulugeta Seraw, an Ethiopian man who came to the United States to attend college, to death.[38] In October 1990 the SPLC won a civil case on behalf of the deceased's family against WAR's operator Tom Metzger and Tom's son, John Metzger for a total of $12.5 million.[39][40] The SPLC does not charge for their work, and Seraw did not share any money won with the SPLC because the Metzger's did not have millions, but rather the family only received assets from the Metzger's $125,000 house and a few thousand dollars.[41] The Metzgers declared bankrupcty, and WAR went out of business. The cost of trial, in the hundreds of thousands of dollars[42] was absorbed by the SPLC and the Anti-Defamation League.[43] Metzger still makes payments to Seraw's family.[44]

In May 1991 Harold Mansfield Jr., a black sailor / war veteran in the United States Navy, was murdered by a member of the neo-Nazi Church of the Creator (now called the Creativity Movement). SPLC represented the victim's family in a civil case winning a judgement of $1 million from the church in March 1994.[45] However, the church transferred ownership to William Pierce, head of the National Alliance, to avoid money being paid to Mansfield's heirs; the SPLC filed suit against Pierce for his role in the fraudulent scheme, and won an $85,000 judgment in 1995.[46] The amount was upheld on appeal and the money was collected prior to Pierce's death in 2002.[46] According to a former member of the Alliance when SPLC sued Pierce was worried it would be the end of the hate group.[47]

The SPLC won a $37.8 million verdict for Macedonia Baptist Church,a 100-year-old black church in Manning, South Carolina, against two Ku Klux Klan chapters and five Klansmen (Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and Invisible Empire, Inc.) in July 1998.[48] The money was awarded stemming from arson convictions in which the Klan burned down the historic black church in 1995.[49] Morris Dees told the press, "If we put the Christian Knights out of business, what's that worth? We don't look at what we can collect. It's what the jury thinks this egregious conduct is worth that matters, along with the message it sends."[50] According to the Washington Post the amount is the "largest-ever civil award for damages in a hate crime case."[50]

In September 2000 the SPLC won a $6.3 million judgment against the Aryan Nations from an Idaho jury who awarded punitive and compensatory damages to a woman and her son who were attacked by Aryan Nations guards.[51] The lawsuit stemmed from the July 1998 attack when security guards at the Aryan Nations compound in Idaho shot at Victoria Keenan and her son.[52] Bullets struck their car several times then the car crashed and an Aryan Nations member held the Keenans at gunpoint.[52] As a result of the judgement, Richard Butler turned over the 20-acre compound to the Keenans who then sold the property to a philanthropist who subsequently donated it to North Idaho College, which designated the land as a "peace park."[53]

Ten Commandments monument commissioned by Roy Moore.

In 2002 the SPLC and the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit against Alabama Supreme Court justice Roy Moore for authorizing a two ton display of the Ten Commandments on public property.[54] Moore, late at night and without telling any other court justice, had installed a 5,280 pound (2400 kg) granite block, three feet wide by three feet deep by four feet tall, of the Ten Commandments.[55] After refusing to obey several court rulings Moore was eventually removed from the court, and the statue was removed as well.

On April 20, 2007 a civil jury in Linden, Texas awarded $9 million in damages to Billy Ray Johnson, a mentally disabled black man, who was beaten and dumped along a desolate road by four white men in September 2003. The lawsuit was brought on Johnson's behalf by the SPLC.[56] Four white males took Johnson to a party where he was knocked unconscious then dropped on his head, referred to as a nigger, and left in a ditch bleeding.[57] Due to the event, "Johnson, 46, who suffered serious, permanent brain injuries from the attack, will require care for the rest of his life."[58] At a criminal trial the four men received sentences of 30 to 60 days in county jail.[59] The jury hoped that the verdict would improve race relations in the community stemming from a United States Department of Education investigation and other controversial verdicts. During the trial one of the defendants, Cory Hicks, referred to Johnson as "it".[60]

In July 2007 the SPLC filed suit on behalf of Jordan Gruver and his mother against the Imperial Klans of America (IKA) in Meade County, Kentucky where in July 2006, five Klansmen savagely beat Gruver, a 16-year-old boy of Panamanian descent, at a Kentucky county fair.[61] According to the lawsuit, five Klan members went to the Meade County Fairgrounds in Brandenburg, Kentucky, "to hand out business cards and flyers advertising a 'white-only' IKA function."[61] Then, unprovoked two members of the Klan started calling the 16-year-old boy of Panamanian descent a "spic".[61] Subsequently, the boy, (5-foot-3 and weighing 150 pounds) was beaten and kicked by the Klansmen (one of whom was 6-foot-5 and 300 pounds). As a result of the beating, the victim received "two cracked ribs, a broken left forearm, multiple cuts and bruises and jaw injuries requiring extensive dental repair."[61] In February 2007, Jarred Hensley and Andrew Watkins were sentenced to three years in prison for beating Gruver.[62]

Intelligence Report

The SPLC's Intelligence Project monitors organizations and individuals whom it deems "hate groups" and "extremists" in the United States with their Intelligence Report.[63] The report is published quarterly since 1981 and provides information regarding organizational efforts and tactics of hate groups. In addition to the Report, the SPLC publishes HateWatch Weekly that follows racism and extremism.[64]

"Hate group" listings

The SPLC says "All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.... Listing here does not imply that a group advocates or engages in violence or other criminal activity."[65] The SPLC categorizes these groups as black separatist (such as the Nation of Islam), Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazi, Christian Identity, racist skinhead, neo-Confederate, and other. Some organizations described by the SPLC as hate groups object to this characterization, particularly those in the other category. As of 2005, there were 161 organizations in the United States categorized as other.[66][not in citation given] As of 2008, several of these have been moved into new categories, such as "Racist Music" and "Anti-Immigrant".

Neo-Confederate movement

The Southern Poverty Law Center is the principal group reporting on the neo-Confederate movement. A 2000 special report by the SPLC's Mark Potok in their magazine, Intelligence Report, describes a number of groups as neo-Confederate. The SPLC has also carried subsequent articles on the neo-Confederate movement. "Lincoln Reconstructed" published in 2003 in the Intelligence Report focuses on the resurgent demonization of Abraham Lincoln in the southern United States.[67] The article quotes Father Alister Anderson, national chaplain of the Sons of Confederate Veterans as giving an invocation which recalled "the last real Christian civilization on Earth", and also denounced "hypocrites and bigots", who dismiss "the righteous cause for which our ancestors fought."[67] In the SPLC article "Whitewashing the Confederacy", George Ewert claimed that Gods and Generals presented a false, pro-Confederate view of history.[68] David Horowitz's Front Page Magazine responded, as part of what is known as the David Horowitz Freedom Center controversy. The David Horowitz Freedom Center itself was identified as a neo-Confederate group by the SPLC.[69]

The Southern Legal Resource Center (SLRC) has been identified by the SPLC as a neo-Confederate organization, and it was criticised for misleading its supporters in order to get donations.[70] The SLRC was criticized because its founder, Kirk D. Lyons' pre-SLRC defended controversial far right figures such as Tom Metzger and members of Aryan Nations.[71]

Controversy and criticisms

The SPLC has attracted controversy and criticism surrounding its methods of identifying and monitoring "hate groups", allegedly exaggerating the level of threat from such groups. It has also received dozens of death/bomb threats.[72] The SPLC was described by Thomas Edsall of the Washington Post in 1998 as a "a controversial, liberal organization that tracks conservative militia and 'patriot' organizations" that has uncovered much information on extremist groups.[3] Groups, such as the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC), claim the SPLC's criticism that the CofCC is tied to "White Supremacists" is inaccurate.[3]

Professors of sociology Betty A. Dobratz, PhD (Iowa State University) and Stephanie L. Shanks-Meile, PhD (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), authors of The White Separatist Movement in the United States: "White Power, White Pride” wrote about SPLC and several other “watchdog” groups: “What the ‘watchdog’ groups focus on is at least partially influenced by the fact that these organizations depend on public financial support, and the public is likely to contribute to groups that they perceive are struggling against some major threat to America. We relied on SPLC and ADL reports for general information, but we have noticed differences between ways events have been reported and what we saw at rallies. For instance, events were sometimes portrayed in Klanwatch Intelligence Reports as more militant and dangerous with higher turnouts than we observed.”[73]

While acknowledging the possibility of some statistical bias by the SPLC, Rory McVeigh, the Chair of the University of Notre Dame Sociology Department, wrote:

Such measurement bias, if it exists, would be more likely to show up in claims concerning membership or in descriptions of the movement's goals, rather than in a listing of organizations. The SPLC's lists of U.S. racist organizations are by far the most comprehensive available. Its outstanding reputation is well established, and the SPLC has been an excellent source of information for social scientists who study racist organizations.[74]

The SPLC has frequently targeted the immigration reform Web site VDARE, which it deems a "hate group." VDARE editor-publisher Peter Brimelow has responded to the SPLC's allegation that VDARE is a "hate group," "We've named them [the SPLC] a treason group."[75]

Fundraising criticism

From February 12 through 14, 1994, a series in the Montgomery Advertiser by Dan Morse alleged that the Southern Poverty Law Center practiced financial mismanagement, poor management practices and misleading fundraising practices. The newspaper summarized its investigation as producing evidence of "a complex portrait of a wealthy civil rights organization essentially controlled by one man: Morris Dees."[76] The paper took a random sampling of donors, and found out that the average donor did not know the Center was so well funded.[77] Yet the articles were not all negative, with the authors noting "Other Law Center lawsuits forced cotton mills to improve conditions for workers" and the Center "developed new strategies for defending suspects on death row."[77] In response to the criticism, Joe Levin told the paper: "The Advertiser's lack of interest in the center's programs and its obsessive interest in the center's financial affairs and Mr. Dees' personal life makes it obvious to me that the Advertiser simply wants to smear the center and Mr. Dees."[77] The SPLC investigative series was a finalist for a 1995 Pulitzer Prize.[78] A 1996 article reported Stephen Bright of the Southern Center for Human Rights stated that Dees "is a fraud who has milked a lot of very wonderful well-intentioned people. If it's got headlines, Morris is there."[18] Yet, more recently in 2007 the Montgomery Advertiser has praised the SPLC efforts for helping to teach tolerance in schools.[79]

In November 2000, Harper's Magazine published an article titled "The Church of Morris Dees" by Ken Silverstein, which was critical of the SPLC.[80] In it Silverstein wrote "Morris Dees doesn't need your financial support" because "the SPLC is already the wealthiest 'civil rights' group in America." Furthermore, Silverstein claimed "Back in 1978, when the Center had less than $10 million," but then it sought 50 million dollars and again "upped the bar to $100 million" to allow the Center "to cease the costly and often unreliable task of fund raising." However, in 2000 "the SPLC's treasury bulges with $120 million, and it spends twice as much on fund-raising — $5.76 million last year — as it does on legal services for victims of civil rights abuses." In fact, Silverstein cited the American Institute of Philanthropy who in 2000 gave "the center one of the worst ratings of any group it monitors, estimating that the SPLC could operate for 4.6 years without making another tax-exempt nickel from its investments or raising another tax-deductible cent from well-meaning 'people like you'."

The charity evaluation organization Charity Navigator gives SPLC an overall rating of three out of four stars.[81] According to Charity Navigator: program expenses are 68.2%, administrative expenses are 14.2%, and fundraising is 17.4%.[81] The Center states that "During its last fiscal year, the Center spent approximately 65% of its total expenses on program services. The Center also placed a portion of its income into a special, board-designated endowment fund to support the Center's future work." At the end of the fiscal year, the endowment stood at $201.7 million."[82]


  1. ^ "Attorney Morris Dees pioneer in using 'damage litigation' to fight hate groups", CNN (September 8, 2000). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  2. ^ "Attacking a Home-Town Icon" Jim Tharpe, Nieman Watchdog 1995.
  3. ^ a b c Edsall, Thomas (December 19, 1998). "Conservative Group Accused Of Ties to White Supremacists", Washington Post. Retrieved on 2006-11-18.
  4. ^ "Ten Commandments judge removed from office", CNN (November 14, 2003). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  5. ^ "Smith v. Young Men's Christian Association", Southern Poverty Law Center (June 11, 1969). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  6. ^ "Active U.S. Hate Groups in 2006", Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  7. ^ a b "Fire Damages Alabama Center that Battles the Klan", New York Times (July 31, 1983). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  8. ^ a b "2 Klan Members Plead Guilty To Arson", New York Times (February 21, 1985).
  9. ^ a b c d Klass, Kym (August 17, 2007). "Southern Poverty Law Center beefs up security", Montgomery Advertiser. Retrieved on 2007-09-18. [broken citation]
  10. ^ "Death List Names Given to US Jury", New York Times (September 17, 1985).
  11. ^ "Jury Told of Plan to Kill Radio Host", New York Times (November 8, 1987).
  12. ^ a b "The Nation Klan Must Pay $7 Million", Los Angeles Times (February 13, 1987). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  13. ^ "Five Tied to Klan Indicted on Arms Charges", New York Times (January 9, 1987). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  14. ^ "Monument Maker", New York Times (February 24, 1991). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  15. ^ "Metzger Leaves Former Home A Mess, but its Undamaged", The Oregonian (September 19, 1991).
  16. ^ "Metzger Home Worth Only A Tiny Fraction of $12.5 Million Sum", The Oregonian (August 28, 1991).
  17. ^ "4 Are Accused in Oklahoma of Bomb Plot", New York Times (November 14, 1995). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  18. ^ a b Andrea Stone, "Morris Dees: At the Center of the Racial Storm," USA Today, August 3, 1996, A-7
  19. ^ "Endowment Supports Center's Future Work", Southern Poverty Law Center (June 2003). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  20. ^ "Group is accused of plotting assassinations, bombings. 2 others will plead guilty Thursday." St Louis Post-Dispatch (MO) (May 13, 1998): pB1.
  21. ^ "40 to Watch", Southern Poverty Law Center (Fall 2003). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  22. ^ a b " About us", Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  23. ^ "Teaching Tolerance", Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  24. ^ "About Teaching Tolerance", Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  25. ^ "Planet Tolerance", Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  26. ^ "Mix it up:Our Story", Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  27. ^ "Mighty Times: The Children’s March", 77th Academy Awards
    ^ "Time for Justice, A (VHS)",
  28. ^ "Bringing the Klan to Court," Newsweek, May 28, 1984
  29. ^ "Two Sides of the Contemporary South: Racial Incidents and Black Progress", New York Times (November 21, 1989). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  30. ^ Sack, Kevin (May 12, 1996). "Conversations/Morris Dees; A Son of Alabama Takes On Americans Who Live to Hate", New York Times. Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  31. ^ a b c "Smith v. Young Men's Christian Association", Southern Poverty Law Center (June 11, 1969). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  32. ^ "Klan Inflames Gulf Fishing Fight Between Whites and Vietnamese", New York Times (April 25, 1981). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  33. ^ "Klan Official is Accused of Intimidation", New York Times (May 2, 1981). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  34. ^ "Judge Issues Ban on Klan Threat to Vietnamese", New York Times (May 15, 1981). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  35. ^ "Black Judge in Alabama Wins Staff Salary Case", New York Times (December 29, 1981). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  36. ^ "Donald v. United Klans of America", Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  37. ^ "Paying Damages For a Lynching", New York Times (February 21, 1988). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  38. ^ "Lawyer makes racists pay", USA Today (October 24, 1990). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  39. ^ The jury divided the judgement against the defendants as follows: Kyle Brewster, $500,000; Ken Mieske, $500,000;, John Metzger, $1 million; WAR, $3 million; Tom Metzger, $5 million; in addition, the jury awarded $2.5 million for Mulugeta's unrealized future earnings and pain and suffering.
  40. ^ "Sending a $12.5 Million Message to a Hate Group", New York Times (October 26, 1990). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  41. ^ "Assets of White Supremacist Are Target of Legal Maneuver", New York Times (December 25, 1990). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  42. ^ Dees & Fiffer 1993, p. 116
  43. ^ Dees & Fiffer 1993, p. 277
  44. ^ "Hate-crime case award will be hard to collect, experts say", The Press-Enterprise (August 24, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-08-25.
  45. ^ "Mansfield v. Church of the Creator", Southern Poverty Law Center (03/07/1994). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  46. ^ a b "Mansfield v. Pierce", Southern Poverty Law Center (03/07/1994). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  47. ^ "Inside the Alliance", Southern Poverty Law Center (Winter 1999). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  48. ^ "Klan Must Pay $37 Million for Inciting Church Fire", New York Times (July 25, 1998). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  49. ^ "Macedonia v. Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan", Southern Poverty Law Center (June 7, 1996). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  50. ^ a b "Klan Chapters Held Liable in Church Fire; Jury Awards $37.8 Million in Damages," Washington Post July 25, 1998
  51. ^ "Attorney Morris Dees pioneer in using 'damage litigation' to fight hate groups", CNN (September 8, 2000). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  52. ^ a b "Keenan v. Aryan Nations", Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  53. ^ "Richard G. Butler, 86, Dies; Founder of the Aryan Nations", New York Times (September 9, 2004). Retrieved on 2007-08-22.
  54. ^ "Ten Commandments judge removed from office", CNN (November 14, 2003). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  55. ^ Glassroth v. Moore (PDF) (M.D. Ala. 2002).
  56. ^ "Center Wins Justice for Billy Ray Johnson", Southern Poverty Law Center (April 20, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  57. ^ "The Beating of Billy Ray Johnson", Texas Monthly (February 2007). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  58. ^ "Johnson v. Amox et al.", Southern Poverty Law Center (2005-09-19). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  59. ^ "Ex-jailer denies part in assault cover-up", Texarkana Gazette (April 19, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  60. ^ "A jury's stand against racism reflects hope", USA Today (April 26, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  61. ^ a b c d "Jordan Gruver and Cynthia Gruver vs. Imperial Klans of America", Southern Poverty Law Center (July 25, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  62. ^ "Reputed Klan leader denies role in Meade Co. beating", Louisville Courier-Journal (August 15, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  63. ^ "Intelligence Report". Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  64. ^ "Hatewatch Weekly". Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  65. ^ Hate Groups Map
  66. ^ Hate Groups Map[broken citation]
  67. ^ a b "Lincoln Reconstructed", Southern Poverty Law Center (Summer 2003). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  68. ^ "Whitewashing the Confederacy", Southern Poverty Law Center (Summer 2003). Retrieved on 2007-09-18.
  69. ^ "Into the Mainstream", Southern Poverty Law Center (Spring 2003). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  70. ^ "Cashing in on the Confederacy", Southern Poverty Law Center (Spring 2003). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  71. ^ "In the Lyons Den: Kirk Lyons, a white supremacist lawyer whose clients have been a 'Who's Who' of the radical right", Southern Poverty Law Center (Summer 2000). Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  72. ^ "SPLC beefs up security", Associated Press (August 14, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-11-18.
  73. ^ Betty A. Dobratz, Stephanie L. Shanks-Meile, The White Separatist Movement in the United States: "White Power, White Pride!", The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000, 1-3.
  74. ^ Rory McVeigh. Structured Ignorance and Organized Racism in the United States. Social Forces, Vol. 82, No. 3, (Mar., 2004), p. 913 JSTOR
  75. ^ Freedom Folks/Blogs4Borders Interview With Peter Brimelow, Interviewed by Jake Jacobson, VDARE BLOG, October 7, 2008.
  76. ^ Dan Morse. "A complex man: Opportunist or crusader?", Montgomery Advertiser, February 14 1994
  77. ^ a b c Dan Morse and Greg Jaffe. "Critics question $52 million reserve, tactics of wealthiest civil rights group", Montgomery Advertiser, February 14 1994
  78. ^ Panel Discussion: Nonprofit Organizations
  79. ^ "SPLC teaching materials earn top honor from education publishers", Montgomery Advertiser, June 20, 2007
  80. ^ Ken Silverstein, "The Church of Morris Dees," Harper's Magazine, 1 November, 2000, No. 1806, Vol. 301; Pg. 54 ; ISSN: 0017-789X.
  81. ^ a b Charity Navigator Rating - Southern Poverty Law Center
  82. ^ SPLC Financial Information


  • Dees, Morris, and Steve Fiffer. Hate on Trial: The Case Against America's Most Dangerous Neo-Nazi. New York: Villard Books, 1993. ISBN 067940614X.

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