Sparky: Bushes Bloodied with Treason since before 1832 ...
Before opium it was slaves - Seems as if the Walkers and Bush clan were always either Puppets or tasked with the 'dirty work' ... You seen me rant about this before - but their ancestors were even involved in treason during the ' War of 1812' ... and likely behind the Spanish-American War which allowed the US to hold the Philippines and Cuba.
Skull and Bones
William Huntington Russell (1809-1885) was together with Alphonso Taft one of the two co-founders of the Skull and Bones secret society.The Russell family was one of the 12 founders of Yale College, via Rev. Nodiah Russell, Yale Trustee, in the early 1700s. W. H. Russel studied in 1831-32 in Germany during a period in which ideas of the philosopher Hegel were popular to be introduced into the educational curricula. After his return in 1832, and his rejection of being in Phi Beta Kappa, he with Alphonso Taft co-founded Skull and Bones, and "tapped" 13 other Yale graduates to make the first cohort of the secret society in 1832-33.
W. H. Russell's second cousin was Samuel Russell, the head of the Middleton Russell family who in 1823 founded Russell and Company with the explicit purpose of drug running opium into China despite a prohibition there. Opium running was key to the Russell family fortune, though their political prominence within the State of Connecticut and Yale was already pronounced from the early 1700s.
W. H. Russell married Mary Hubbard in 1836. Russell became a doctor of medicine, and founder of the Collegiate and Commercial Institute, New Haven, Connecticut, the same location as Yale University and Skull and Bones. The goal of the Institute was to offer "young men as early as possible a foundation of education in the English style."
In 1856, with several other Bonesmen, he incorporated Skull and Bones as the Russell Trust, later the Russell Trust Association. Russell Trust Association owns all Bones related buildings and real estate tax free. The society was founded in 1832 by Phi Beta Kappa pledges William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft. [1] The first Skull and Bones class, or "cohort," was the very next year, 1832-33. The society was all male until the early 1990s.
Traditionally, the Yale Daily News published the names of newly "tapped" members of all major secret societies at Yale, but this practice has been abandoned in recent times with further publicity about the organization. The society's current membership rosters and activities are not disclosed to the public. The society inducts only incoming seniors, during the late junior year prior to their graduation.
Its corporate name is the Russell Trust Association. In 1943, its trustees were exempted from filing corporate reports with the Connecticut secretary of state. In 1999 it had assets of $4,133,246. It owns Deer Island, one of the Thousand Islands in the waterway between the United States and Canada, which was given to the Order by one of its early benefactor families.
Bones, Russell and Co.’s Families, and the U.S.’s Janus-faced Puritan Drug Running Financial Aristocracy, 1789-presentAfter 1830, instead of Russell and Company crushing their rivals (which might be dangerous), many partners, staff, and (pirate drug runner) ship captains of Perkins and Co. became bundled into more cutthroat opium trader Russell and Company. Both Perkins and Co. and Russell and Co. families’ next generations were additionally bundled into joining Skull and Bones within the next twenty years, starting a “for opium and Yale” tradition since the monopoly opium trader Russell and Company, Skull and Bones, and even Puritan Yale University were connected to the Russells, since the Russell family ancestor was one of the 12 founders of Yale in 1701. Elihu Yale merely added some more money two decades later.
Thus the opium trade, Skull and Bones, and even Puritanical Yale College were started as embedded in Russell family operations. Particularly for the opium trades, ‘sourcing’ and ‘upbringing’ for trustworthy operators required worldly and knowledgeable contraband runners. Yale would train the people they could trust. Skull and Bones would train people they could trust. Skull and Bones as Yale career addendum for the intra-family elites and their trustworthy clients would be a group to share and socialize their secrets with. (However, this fails to mean that Skull and Bones can only be understood as a hazing for the opium trade Mafia.)
After Perkins and Co. families was bundled into Russell and Company (with some adamant refusals), Skull and Bones was founded three years later (1832/3-present) by members of this opium drug running virtual monopoly of Russell and Company--a monopoly as far as the United States families in the opium business were concerned. The phrase the “China trade” (used in quotes throughout this article to signify a euphemism) was a criminal behavior. It was a polite euphemism for a massively dangerous though profitable drug running of opium contraband into China, which then shipped innocent “China trade” looking commodities, tea, and other products back to Europe and the United States. On the way back the “opium clipper” ships became innocuous “tea clippers” of course.
However, without Turkish and/or British East India Company provided opium (plus the truly crucial ingredient of monopoly profits only due to Chinese prohibition), Perkins and Co. and Russell and Co. domination in these trades would have collapsed. The self-sufficient Chinese were uninterested in peripheral European or American items, though since China was the only source of the mysterious drug tea—which Westerners were forbidden to take out of China as living plants much less see it--mechanisms were found to get Chinese tea by hook or by crook without it costing Euro-American traders dearly.
Only the illicit opium drug trade could get Americans and the British East India Company “all the tea in China,” as well as the favorable balance of trade they both desired. The BEIC was an illicit opium maker and opium runner itself, until 1805, then the opium running side was outsourced and it only worked through American and other private proxies. The BEIC's opium making side on the other hand was done well before of course. Though in 1773, opium making was turned into a BEIC monopoly. It was kept as a BEIC monopoly until the corporation's demise in 1858--the same year that monopoly profits were contexually removed becauese opium was legalized in China that year. Note the BEIC wrapped up only when contraband opium monopoly profits were demoted.
By 1830, Russell and Company was “the only game in town” as far as Americans were concerned in Canton which then was the only port then open to foreign trading outside of Portuguese - only Macao.
By 1830, with Perkins and Co. intra-family monopolists bundled into “new and improved” drug smuggler Russell and Company, over the next two decades starting from 1833 the sons and nephews of all these families were soldered together into Skull and Bones as well as soldered togeteher by Russell and Company illicit drug profits.
The incomparable monopoly profits of the Russell and Company-driven opium trade corrupted finance, economics, and politics in China and the U.S., soon aided by its allied secret society networking contacts through Skull and Bones. The United States and the world gained an overt and covert “Puritan Drug Runner Elite” aristocracy whose corrupting power was solidified to the present day--for they were internationalist traders from the start.
Their wealth and networking grew with each year. They increasingly sought to steer social situations to make the world more profitable for expanding their drug trading techniques of state corruption and prohibition in which their monopoly organized crime profits could more ‘administratively’ accrue wealth for the families without much competition. The families worked worldwide on this dual pronged strategy of “monopoly and prohibition” in China from the late 1700s onward; in the Philippines from 1898 onward; and within the United States during Prohibition (1920-1933) and onward.
Detailed below, all major U.S. dynastic, inherited wealth fortunes appear out of illicit drug running. Second, almost all of these major U.S. dynastic, inherited wealth fortunes were involved in Russell and Company from 1830 onward. Third, many of these opium trading families have simultaneously been in Skull and Bones--with some major genetic caveats--which were still involved in the “China trade” of contraband opium themselves even if they were outside of Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones inducted only the select opium families with the caveats that categories of race, Protestant upbringing, and Anglo-American qualifications were already in place. (This has been increasingly relaxed--though in a very unrelaxing series of events--only from the early 1990s. So for the 170 years after Skull and Bones started, Bonesmen were without any serious challenges to their white supremacist racial caste worldview, their reliance on a highly repetitive ‘elect set’ of hyper-wealthy families derived from the opium trades, combined with their Protestant religious supremacy orientation and misogynous attitudes. Attempting to change their “18th century imperialism” personal and global attitudes within the Bones families almost tore Bones apart in the 1990s.)
All of the many names of early Russell and Company (and durable Skull and Bones) made their money in the international drug trades, money laundering and leveraging their illicit wealth into “social position” at home. They constructed buildings, universities, bridges, roads, railroads, ships, churches, and started capital intensive businesses that colonized and consolidated other areas with their influx of New England opium wealth. [1] [2] [3]
Many of these drug lord funded projects shared two things: they were of course based from monopoly profits of the criminal opium trade; and they sourced Skull and Bones members to run them in a double extended “family” of companies and interchangeable personnel who got their wealth from Russell and Company.
Like other similar Mafias past and present, “family” meant everything. Within their hyper-rich status they could be very Janus-faced: private, loyal, and charitous to willing clients--though crossing them could mean instant punishment, ostracization and even death. They could attempt to draw on networks already in place across a score of businesses, political contacts, legislators, judges, newspapers, educational facilities, banks, and Governors to “get at someone.” The euphemism of such operations was opened among Bonesmen as a quiet coded talk starting along these lines: “General Russell needs a favor…”
Founded in 1823, Russell and Company’s drug trader logo was appropriately one of the old fashioned pirate flags: the Skull and Crossbones.
Ten years later, founded in 1832-3, the same Russell-family co-founded Skull and Bones had adopted the Skull and Crossbones as its logo as well--adding the number ‘322.’
The Skull and Crossbones flag has another esoteric religious meaning, long before it was adopted by pirates. For the Gothic-era Knights Templar elite, it was a symbol of their trading fleets--as well as their bodily transcendence and continuity. It was said that a skull and two thigh bones were all that was required for the knights to enter heaven.
Bones and Global Drugs Empires: Peddling Drugs and Engineered Prohibitions for Monopoly Profits
With a financial homeland in London and New England, and with personnel coming from behind the 322 door for 170+ years, the families in Skull and Bones expanded their financial and political jurisdiction over the United States. This statement is on the surface an unbelievable and easily dismissible claim--until the sheer weight of evidence is sifted, below.
Adapting and enhancing a sentiment expressed by Webster Tarplay in his opus George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography [4], he expresses a theme that is undeniable though which can be expanded to capture the Janus-faced aspects of Skull and Bones that even he has ignored.
The background to Skull and Bones is indeed as Tarplay writes a story of “Opium and Empire,” though it is a bitter struggle for political control over the international criminal narcotics and stimulants trades beyond opium, from day one. If one side of it started with opium and moved into others, the other side is increasing attempts to capture the policy of the U.S. republic--particularly foreign policy and turn the United States Republic into a Latter Day Roman Empire run by the wealth of the drug trades as patricians through engineered drug prohibitions that only consolidate a criminal empire. A very small coterie of U.S. dynastic elites in these two ventures were one in the same.
Currently in the world economy, according to U.N. data, there are two conspicuous leading sectors: the first and largest is oil. This expanded mostly out of U.S. commercial imperialism at home and abroad from the Rockefeller Standard Oil monopoly that was quickly consolidated after the U.S. Civil War to dominate around 90% of oil production in the U.S. under one company--and then it immediately moves its headquarters from Ohio to New York City and goes international and contributes to doing the same.
The next largest global sector financially speaking is totally illegal, pulling around $400 billion dollars a year from everyone and giving it to--someone. It is the international narcotics trades. These “prohibited” trades pull a close second to oil. The money of course has to be money laundered. Four hundred billion dollars annually is a socioeconomic effect that is hard to hide the effects of.

And who mostly contributed to prohibitions making it illegal, and thus so monopoly profitable? What Tarpley and others leave out, is that mostly Bonesmen did so in the United States, as they were consolidating their illicit drug empires. Bonesman William Howard Taft, one of the many Bonesman sons of co-founder of Skull and Bones Alphonso Taft, was a major pressure for turning American Puritanism into both a domestic and then international crusade, popularizing the ‘concept’ from scratch of U.S.-sponsored international narcotics laws of prohibition and criminalization--of the users instead of the bankers. Second, we have Bonesman Francis Burton Harrison (S&B, 1895). The Harrisons are a major intergenerational Bones family. He was New York Representative to the U.S. Congress (1903-05, 1907-13), who during his second stint introduced the Bonesman self-named Harrison Narcotics Tax Act, which became law (after he left the U.S. Congress) on December 17, 1917. Before then, he actually resigns from the U.S. Congress on September 1, 1913, to become appointed Bonesman Governor-General of the Philippines, a position he held from 1913-21. (His father was another Bonesman: Burton Norvel Harrison (S&B, 1859), the private secretary for the Confederate States of America's President Jefferson Davis. An even earlier Bonesman relation, Henry Baldwin Harrison (S&B, 1846), was one of the incorporators of the Russell Trust Association. This Bonesman went on to be both a Governor of Connecticut and a Speaker of the House of Connecticut. Additionally, he was another Bonesman who pressed for drug prohibition in his day.)
Many Bonesmen besides Harrison have held the (Bonesman) Civilian Governorship of the Philippines in the growing American empire, seized in 1898 during the Spanish-American War. In 1920, while still Governor General of the Philippines, Bonesman Harrison was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the presidential election. After leaving that position, he continues to be the power behind the throne there and becomes 'Advisor' to the next (American) Governor-General of the Philippines Yeater (acting, 1921) and then for the subsequent long tenured puppet placement of Leonard Wood in the same position (1921-27, d. 1927). Bonesman Harrison, a previous military governor, became the 'power behind the throne' even after Philippine 'independence.' After leaving the Governor-General post, he went to Scotland until 1934, and, then he was "reappointed" to the Philippines once more as 'adviser' to Manuel L. Quezon, first president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines in November 1935, holding the position for ten months. Next, in May 1942 the Bonesman is back once more, appointed to the same 'adviser' position. From November 1946 to February 1947, Bonesman Harrison served as United States Commissioner of Claims in the civil branch of the U.S. Army in Manila. Continuing his 'power behind the throne position,' he amazingly served as an adviser to the first four presidents of the Philippine Republic after their 'independence' was granted in 1946. So from the period of 1913 well through the 1950s, Bonesman Harrison was the Philippine 'adviser' in many ways regardless of surface formal changes.

Bonesmen have circulated through (one could even say invented) the position of the Governor General of the Philippines since the islands were seized by the Americans in 1898. The first Goveror General was a Bonesman: William Howard Taft (1901-04). This is the Taft that was so adamant about expanding drug prohibitions--the son of Alphonso Taft, the co-founder, with the Russells of opium smuggling Russell and Co., of Skull and Bones.
Later there were other families who were appointed as Governor-General that were non-Bonesmen though their wealth was opium derived like William Cameron Forbes (1908-13), a banker grandson of the original Forbes opium runner in Russell and Company, who was appointed during the Bonesman-heavy Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt and kept in place by Bonesman William H. Taft.
Next after Governor-General "Opium" Forbes was Bonesman Harrison (officially 1913-1921; ostensibly, 1913-1927; 1935; 1942; 1946-1950s), followed by Bonesman Henry L. Stimson (S&B, 1888), from 1927-29.
Bonesman Harrison (mentioned above), was a previous Governor-General of the Philippines (1913-21) ostensibly 'advising' that same position from 1921-1927 until Leonard Wood dies in office in 1927. Governor General Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt go way back. Wood was was only personal physician to President's Grover Cleveland and William McKinley through 1898. However, from 1898, it was during his physican duties for McKinley that he developed a friendship with Theodore Roosevelt, then the mere assistant secretary of the Navy, though who was responsible beyond his legal capacity for taking over and giving orders to attack both the Philippines and Cuba in the Spanish-American war while the actual Secretary of the Navy was conveniently "out of the office." This was likely planned, it is suggested, as future deniability in case it failed to work out. At the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, this military physician friend of Roosevelt, Leonard Wood, organized the 1st Volunteer Cavalry regiment with Theodore Roosevelt, popularly known as the Rough Riders. Lots of rich Yalies were in this troupe who went to "attack Cuba"--whose "heroism" basically meant threatening to shoot Black American troops in the back unless they charged up San Juan Hill with incredible casualities and took it for them.
After Theodore Roosevelt's friend and military physician Leonard Wood dies in the Governor-General's position (1921-27) while being 'advised' by ex-Governor General and Bonesman Harrison, there is a short half year stint by a non-Bonesman Eugene Allen Gilmore (1927). Gilmore spent his working life within a Bones (Gilman) started instituion of the University of Wisconsin. Then, the next two year stint as Governor General was another Bonesman, Henry L. Stimson (1927-29)--who had been appointed previously as a "follow up" trustworthy Bonesman Secretary of War in 1911 in the middle of the Bonesman-led President William Howard Taft's administration. This Taft of course was
- [1] the first Governor General of the Philippines (1901-04), and a Bonesman son of the co-founder of Skull and Bones, Alfonso Taft, and
- [2] Taft after 1904 was next the Bonesman Secretary of War himself under Thodore Roosevelt. (William H. Taft's father, co-founder of Skull and Bones Alphonso Taft, was himself a Bonesman Secretary of War for President Grant.)
- [3] Bonesman Taft as President (1909-1913) appointed another Bonesman, Stimpson, to the same position of Secretary of War in his administration that he as a Bonesman had held in Theodore Roosevelt's administration; Bonesman Taft as President--and long before--was quite a vocal supporter of "international drug prohibition", though kept Theodore Roosevelt's appointed grandson of a Russell and Co. opium contraband Partner as Governor-General of the Philippines (1908-1313), an investment banker. This person, William Cameron Forbes, was grandson of a major Russell and Co.'s opium runner partner of the Forbes family. William Hathaway Forbes, his father, was the son of the Partner of Russell and Co.. William Hathaway Forbes was appointed president of Bell Telephone Company after his drug lord Forbes father bought up a sizable share of the company, then to be directed by his Forbes son. William Hathaway Forbes married Edith Emerson, daughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson, the Trancendentalist writer that the opium Partner in Russell and Co. sponsored financially, and soon saw his Forbes son married to his Emerson daughter in due course. Thus, President of the Bell Telephone Company William Hathaway Forbes married this dauther of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edith Emerson. Their son was Governor General General of the Philippines, and the direct grandson of the opium contraband runner Partner of Russell and Co. Thus, in due course the investment banker grandson of a drug lord was put in charge of policing the novel drug prohibitions put in place by the Americans in the Philippines. The gated community of Forbes Park in the central business district of Makati City, Manila, in the Philippines, is named after him. It is the residence of some of the wealthiest people in the Philippines, to the present.
- [4] Bonesman Stimson had been appointed Secretary of War in 1911 under President Bonesman William Howard Taft (1909-1913). In 1911, Stimson took over and continued the complete reorganization of the American Army begun by McKinley's and then Roosevelt's Secretary of War, Elihu Root. Root himself had previously personally hired Bonesman Stimpson (S&B, 1888) to Root's law firm back in the early 1890s. Root was descended from a major international Bones family, the Whitneys. Elihu Root (1845 – 1937) was son of Oren Root and Nancy Whitney Buttrick. There are 10 surnamed Whitneys in Skull and Bones, and several other Bonesmen entrusted to be high administators of Whitney connected financial and corporate firms. In the wake of seizing an empire in the Philippines and Cuba, Root did the following: changed the organization of the United States Army, was responsible for enlarging West Point, established the U.S. Army War College, established the General Staff, and to top it off he personally wrote the constitution for the Bones-led Philippines, which gave the position of military Governor-General incredible direct executive power.) Therefore, Under Bonesman Stimpson, or "Root II," Stimson as Bonesman Taft's Secretary of War (1911-13) further elaborated army expansion just prior to World War I. (Additionally, Bonesman Stimpson's Secretary of War (1940-45) expansion was started just prior to World War II. This was the Same Bonesman, Stimpson, as Secretary of War right before WWI and right before and going through WWII, appointed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, himself a direct grandson of an opium smuggler, Warren Delano, who was the officer in charge of Canton for Russell and Co opium operations during the First Opium War. In between WWI and WWII, in 1927, Stimson was even sent by President Calvin Coolidge to Nicaragua for 'civil negotiations.' During this period, Bonesman-heavy Brown Brothers bank, a private international merchant bank, was "owner" of the Nicaraguan state bank. A Brown Brothers Partner was signator on the Nicaraguan currency, as "Presidente" of the state bank. Bonesman Stimson wrote back that Nicaraguans "were not fitted for the responsibilities that go with independence and still less fitted for popular self-government." Later, Bonesman Stimson was appointed Governor-General of the Philippines, 1927-29, succeeding Theo's friend Leonard Wood. Bonesman Stimson was opposed to the concept of Filipino independence equally.
Next, after Bonesman Stimpson, was non-Bonesman Gilmore (1929-30). Though non-Bones, he had spent his working life in a Bonesman invented state school system as faculty of the University of Wisconsin law school, 1902-1922. This Governor-General Gilmore had been tutored first as Vice Governor-General in the Philippine Islands (1922-1929) during the period under 'advisory' Bonesmanship of ex-Governor-General Harrison (1921-1927), the man who introduced the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act that became law in 1919 in the United States while he was serving as Governor-General of the Philippines. Gilmore was tutored once more under another Bonesmanship of Governor-General Stimson (1927-29) before being trusted with being Governor-General himself for a short period (1929-30). Then, back to basics of having a power behind the throne in charge: the next Governor-General of the Philippines, 1929-1930, was Dwight Filley Davis who bizarrely was appointed to these martial positions though mostly was known for his role as a St. Louis tennis champion. Mr. Davis was appointed by (non-Bonesman, though from a Bonesman family) President Calvin Coolidge, as first his Assistant Secretary of War (1923-25). This was in the first year of Cooledge's succession after the death of President Harding (non-Bones though of a Bones heavy family). Next, Gilmore was Coolidge's moved from Assistant Secretary of War to direct Secretary of War (1925-29). Then the tennis champion was Governor General of the Philippines (1929-30). His tenure ended with the appointing of the son of the instigator of the Spanish-American War, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., as Governor-General. Next, was the last Governor-General Frank Murphy (1933-35) who was trained like a previous one at a Bones-started institution, this time the University of Michigan. He was appointed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, grandson of the Delano head agent for opium contraband in Canton for Russell and Co. in the early 1840s. Some Delano's were additionally Partners later in Brown Brothers private merchant bank. Being a private merchant partnership based bank basically means you are unrequired to post to the government where your money comes from or goes--unlike public stock traded bank corporations that are required to issue public reports.
American Prohibition laws were “practiced” and introduced into this Bones-won and Bones-administrated military colony of the Philippines. (See future section “Bones and U.S. Imperialism”).
Elaboring on the above, there is a pattern here of highly visible war appointee positions before attempts at elected positions. As mentioned above, the first Governor-General of the Philippines was the son of Skull and Bones co-founder Alphonso Taft, William Howard Taft (S&B, 1878). Bonesman William H. Taft followed a similar “Harrison” pattern above: William H. Taft was yet another Bonesman who was Governor General of the Philippines (1901-4), thus, getting himself positioned in the public eye by Bonesmen long before being appointed Secretary of War (1904-08) for President Theodore Roosevelt who was the first U.S. president to appoint many Bonesmen into federal appointments around him in 1904. Next, expanding this penetration, William H. Taft was the first Bonesman President of the United States (1908-12) (and possibly the only Secretary of War/Defense to ever become President), right after his good friend Theodore Roosevelt had appointed him Secretary of War. Later he was appointed by President Warren G. Harding (1920-23, died in office 1923) as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (1921-1930, retiring in 1930). Vice President Calvin Coolidge then becomes President. Harding is a from a Bonesman family though non-Bones himself, and he appoints this Bonesman Taft as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Actually, there have been quite a few Chief Justice Bonesmen actually; even more Bonesmen Federal Associate Justices. See future section “Bones and the Judiciary”). The non-Bonesman from a Bones family Harding is described as a dark horse and totally political unknown during the 1920 Republican National Convention, though he becomes the presidential nominee regardless. Remember the pattern: in 1920, another Bonesman, Francis Burton Harrison (S&B, 1895), himself from another intergenerational Bones family and the introducer of the proto-prohibition Harrison Narcots Tax Act, was seriously contending for the “competitor” Democratic Party Presidential Ticket in that year. Echoing the situation with Bonesman Taft though more bald, Bonesman Harrison was in 1920 the Governor-General of the Philippines even while attempting a Presidential run. (See future section: “Bones and U.S. Presidential Elections) ”.
When Harding dies in 1923, which some contend was a murder, Calvin Coolidge takes his place. Coolidge (non-Bones) is a Vermont relative of the Russell and Co.’s Bones heavy Coolidge drug barons. Coolidge in 1924 appoints Bonesman James Eugene Neville (S&B, 1921) as his Assistant U.S. Attorney. Then, in the same year as this appointment, with this network of a Bonesman Supreme Court Chief Justice (Taft) and a Bonesman as 'Assistant' U.S. Attorney, the (Bonesman derived) Harrison Narcotics Tax Act is transmogrified in 1924 into a prohibition as well, just like the alcohol Prohibition that had been instituted in 1920—-granting a large degree of monopoly profits in both narcotics/stimulants from 1924 as well as depressants like alcohol from Jan 16, 1920. The federal government, instead of the states' governments, were given expansive and completely novel jurisdiction over police work in this, while hypocritically the Federal Bureau of Investigation stalled and refused to admit or investigate crime associated with Prohibition was a federal issue. So they had to invent a police force to do it, which conveniently was much easier to corruptly extradite decisions and “look the other way” in the consolidating of organized crime around these commodities throughout the 1920s and into the early 1930s.
In the United States, Prohibition was accomplished by means of the Eighteenth Amendment to the national Constitution (ratified January 16, 1919) and the Volstead Act (passed October 28, 1919).
Prohibition began on January 16, 1920, when the Eighteenth Amendment went into effect. Federal Prohibition agents (police) were invented because of Prohibition: they were given a novel federal jurisdiction, and states had jurisdiction over “alcohol, tobacco, and firearms” taken away from them. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (or ATF) was originally part of the Treasury Department (then dominated by the recently privatized financial frameworks of the Federal Reserve legislation of 1913. Thus, the Treasury/Federal Reserve’s police agency of the ATF had nothing to do with the federal Justice Department--until 2003. (The Federal Reserve, from the beginning, was full of lifelong Bonesmen administrators. (See Future Section: ‘Bones and U.S. Finance’.))
Bonesman family President Harding (1921-23) kept the White House well stocked with bootleg liquor. The ongoing discrepancy between legality and actual practice led to widespread corruption. A now centralized and more easily controllable federal jurisdiction allowed “cheaper’ well placed bribes to do more aid to organized crime than 40+ separate state governments, which would have absorbed much of the profits or would likely be impossible to bribe them all successfully. Sure enough, some of these federal Prohibition agents took bribes to overlook illegal brewing activities of gangsters, which consolidated from particular cities to becoming national organizations during this period. As more people drank illegally, all money ended up in gangsters' pockets. Gangsters would then bribe the federalized officials to ignore their illegal activities. In many cases, money likely ended up in corrupt Prohibition agencies--which were of course connected to the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve instead of the Justice Department by the structure of the policing. (The Federal Reserve has never been audited or cleared for what it does with the money, particularly during the period of Prohibition. Congressional Representatives who tabled legislation for ongoing public audits of the Federal Reserve in the interest of transparency, democracy, and avoidance of fraud, like Representative of Pennsylvania Louis T. McFadden in 1933, were soon victim of assassination attempts by gunfire and poison, and soon thereafter were dead. McFadden was Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee for more than 10 years.)
Just as it did in China as well as the Philippines, Prohibition presented lucrative opportunities for organized crime to take over the importation ("bootlegging"), manufacture, and distribution of alcoholic beverages in the United States. Al Capone, one of the most infamous bootleggers of them all, built his criminal empire largely on profits from illegal alcohol and Prohibition agent bribes. Francesco Ioele (1885/1893 - July 1, 1928), better known as Frankie Uale or Yale, was a Brooklyn gangster and original employer of Al Capone, before Capone moved to Chicago to start his own gang. This was New York’s Five Points area, or the Sixth Ward, which had a reputation and history of a corrupt political process, particularly after the American Civil War when once more ballots were counted than actual registered voters in the area. An early friend of Johnny Torrio, Frankie Yale took over all New York operations from the base of his Harvard Inn, as Torrio moved his base to Chicago. Torrio formed a splinter operation of his own on the Brooklyn docks. It ran legitimate businesses as money laundering, though it was concern with the Italian lottery, supplemented by incomes from bookmaking, loan sharking, hijacking, prostitution--and the Bonesmen drug family’s favorite, opium. With Torrio's known huge scale connections with running opium and money laundering, it is conjectured that links grew from New England’s financial drug lord elite gaining power in the prohibitions then in the Philippines, into protecting their clients’ and their dispersal sales through Torrio and Capone from the 1920s onward, imported into New York City. After all Capone goes to jail for only tax evasion, i.e., not paying the Bonesmen of the Federal Reserve, when he was most certainly guilty of a hundred other crimes far more serious.
Frankie Yale's headquarters was at a bar in Brooklyn named the Harvard Inn. His friend Torrio helped form the first national crime syndicate in the United States, once he moved to Chicago. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the institution that should have been concered about such things, was started in form under the Bones-heavy administration of Theodore Roosevelt. The long-tenured head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is promoted in 1924 (he was an incredibly young hire in the late 1910s), just as narcotics prohibition was started in 1924 as well. This was J. Edgar Hoover, Head of the FBI from 1924-74, who covered up expanding national organized crime, expliciting denying publicly that it was his "federal" issue (while the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms police was of course only justified on the hypocritical contrary, that it was a federal issue). Hoover categorically refused to investigate organized crime, blaming instead local police and local urban organized crime as the sole origin for the crime waves of Prohibition. All the while, national organized crime was developing in the 1920s thanks to Bones engineered Prohibitions in alcohol from 1920 and then "narcotics" from 1924.
Echoing the history of China and the Philippines, organized crime and drug smuggling were issues connected of course to Russell and Company as well as Bonesmen families there. High monopoly profits and organized crime consolidation in drug trades can only occur during prohibition. Capone only inherits the national criminal syndicate that Torrio built from Chicago.
Bonesmen were conspicuous in the higher echelons of the Judiciary branch of the State of New York during this period like Frederick Kernochan (S&B, 1898) of Yale, DKE, and Skull and Bones, who was Chief Justice, 1916-37, and previously Associate Justice 1913-16, of the New York Court of Special Sessions. Before he was President, Theodore Roosevelt, the first President to bring in a lot of Skull and Bonesmen into the Executive branch, had a high profile “drug interdiction” job in New York City in the 1890s, where some have contended he did more to cover up drug running than extraditing against it.
Prohibition was only ‘challenged’ as unconstitutional in 1921 though because some were concerned that Congress should not set a precedent of setting temporal limits on (such lucrative gambles of Prohibition) Amendment approval. No one ever brought a suit against the unconstitutionality of the Prohibition itself, though in case someone did, they had by then: a pro-Prohibition Skull and Bonesman on the Federal Supreme Court as Chief Justice, Bonesman William Howard Taft, who was connected to the same drug-running rich families by being the son of co-founder of Skull and Bones Alfonso Taft; they had an "Assistant" U.S. Attorney as a Bonesman, James Eugene Neville (S&B, 1921), appointed to this federal position only three years out of being an undergrad at Yale; they had Bonesman Frederick Kernochan (S&B, 1898) in the higher echelons of the Judiciary branch of the State of New York during this period when New York organized crime was expanding into into national organized crime; they had the even younger Hoover, elevated in 1924 to his federal investigatory position with the expanded prohibition of narcotics in 1924. (Hoover came to head the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an organization itself coming out of Bonesman-heavy Theodore Roosevelt's administration founded with a Frenchman named Bonaparte who was a direct lineal relative to the royal dynasty of the Bonepartes of France and high French Masonic); Hoover's FBI was refusing to address the then nationally expanding organized crime around New York-Chicago based Torrio and then Chicago based Al Capone who inherited it from Torrio; and they had the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms federalizing all crimes in these commodities and reporting only to the Federal Reserve/Treasury Department (instead of the Department of Justice), where the Federal Reserve/Treasury Department was dominated by Bonesman from the 1913 passage of the Federal Reserve legislation.
By World War II, with many federal stops in place historically known to be corrupt or ambivalant in encouraging organized crime, the American national organized crime was turned into international organized crime, with its OSS proto-CIA connections--who were very interested in participating in the international opium traffic, unsurprisingly enough, coming out of the "Golden Triangle" of Yunnan in China and South East Asia--before, during, and after WWII.
Returning to opium, the fact that these internationalized prohibition and criminialization ideas were aired from one of the two founding families of Skull and Bones while the other founding family involved in Russell and Company stood to make a further monopoly killing if only “China trade”-like prohibitions could be engineered into a globalized prohibition, while another intergenerational Bones family was putting together and introducing his Harrison Narcotics Tax Act which soon after became transformed into wider narcotics prohibitions by 1924, is a prime example of how the U.S.’s imperialism, prohibition, and drug trade families have expanded together--benefiting the same criminal dynasties of financial money laundering families in London and New England from their original drug running opium fortunes in New England.
Skull and Bones is hardly of importance only to the United States in other words.
Skull and Bones networks are important in the global history of international narcotics/stimulants consolidation, expanding out of the “China trade” into a further internationalization of organized crime and internationalization of state corruption in the U.S. empire in the Philippines and then the United States (staffed by Bonesmen and the narcotics families themselves like Forbes, or their Bonesman appointees). Such global prohibition frameworks came about through Bones recommendations for prohibitions (read that as "U.S. criminal opium monopoly recommendations") for increasing “international narcotics bans.”
In the Philippine case, actually the first thing that the Brent Commission does in U.S. militarily conquered (and mass decimated) Philippines was, instead of “recommending” merely Philippines territorial prohibition, it cut to the chase and recommended international prohibition! It would be fascinating to explore who was a part of this “recommendation” strategy, and who appointed whom to the Commission immediately after the U.S. conquest of the Philippines—-particularly if your unstated goal from the beginning was expanding your wealth once you lost your handy Chinese prohibition framework of criminal wealth monopolization by 1858 when opium was legalized in China causing an immediate drop in price and a drop in interest by Russell and Company.
If most nationalist histories are inward looking, the history of Skull and Bones requires us to have simultaneously a Janus-like view: a view looking simultaneously outward toward the hyper-rich dynasties on the open seas involved in international drug running, while simultaneously looking inward toward the domestic effects on U.S. affairs of international drug lord wealth on U.S. state corruption and its state alterations from the 1800s.
As noted below, the history of the criminal opium trades “families” is one of a mostly unrecognized scale and power probably influencing the course of U.S. formal institutional and commercial criminal change more than any other factor.
The international drug trader origins of much of U.S. financial power, and through it, the money laundering liquidity and a corporate imperialistic power it brought (and bought), is perhaps one of the better kept secrets of American and global history and how they interact.
The U.S. school system, itself majoritatively created by Bonesmen, has little interest in exploring the underworld (and overlord) aspects of the families in U.S. public power and through the U.S., global power. This may be because the American Historical Association was founded by the Bonesmen First President of Cornell Andrew Dickson White in 1884 and quickly followed up by a Charles Kendall Adams (1835 – 1902), who was a protégé of White. Adams' AHA presidency only continued a Bones link. In the name 'Charles Kendall Adams' both names of Kendall (2) and Adams (9) have many instances in the Skull and Bones roster; plus for Adams, 2 more separate Bonesmen marry female Adams for a total of 11 Adams connections). Thus Charles 'Kendall' 'Adams' seems to be built into these international Bones families as well as being tutored under Bonesman like White, even if he himself was not Bones. Plus, he was appointed in a round-robin way only to colleges started by Bonesmen in the previous generation. (See section: “Bones and U.S. Education”)
In short, the U.S. and the world has been increasingly run by illicit drug trader kingpins and their families ever since the early 1800s. This small group of U.S. political elites and their families are the predominant global source of international and U.S.-domestic illicit drug trades from the late 1700s to the present. Their drug dynasties represent an unbrokenly transferred package--first opium, to heroin/morphine, to alcohol, to cocaine--wrapped twice. It is wrapped once around the use of how prohibitions create untold monopoly wealth for criminals. It is wrapped twice around how the dynasties have only expanded and engineered public propaganda for supporting their Bonesman engineered drug prohibitions as a mechanism to consolidate and hold globally financially predominant positions in these drug trades--the preponderant source of their ill gotten wealth from the late 1700s. Families connected with Russell and Company mentioned below were slowly merged via the rites of Skull and Bones as much as the same dynasties shared another common rite of passage: 200 years of money laundering connections with illicit international drug trades.
One level of understanding Skull and Bones is that it may have been opportunistically utilized as a Russell and Company “synthetic corporate culture” creation: a means to soften and make more palatable hurt pride amongst the families violently thrown out of their lucrative independent drug trading businesses and bundled into Russell and Company’s recent vicious “takeover” of the Canton illegal opium trades--“or else.” Their consolidation in Canton seemingly involved murder against the families that were now its “current friends and Partners.” ...
Worries that the media is more focused on some gormless British prince harmlessly seeing naked boobies than on where the money came from and who banks it where.
There's more but I think everyone gets the idea ...
Kevin Phillips
Kevin Phillips (born November 30, 1940) is an American writer and commentator, largely on politics, economics, and history. Formerly a prominent Republican, Phillips has become disaffected with his former party over the last two decades, and is now one of its harshest critics. He is a regular contributor to the Los Angeles Times and National Public Radio, and is a political analyst on PBS' NOW with Bill Moyers.
<>Phillips was a senior strategist for Richard Nixon's 1968 campaign, which was the basis for a book, The Emerging Republican Majority, which predicted a conservative realignment in national politics, and is widely regarded as one of the most influential recent works in political science. His predictions regarding shifting voting patterns in presidential elections proved accurate, though they did not extend "down ballot" to Congress until the Republican revolution of 1994. The author of twelve books, he lives in Litchfield County, Connecticut.Kevin Phillip: American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush, March 1, 2004
“... The current president’s two great-grandfathers both came from this kind of background. Samuel Bush was the president of Buckeye Steel, partly owned by Standard Oil and the Rockefellers. During World War One, Buckeye got into gun barrel and artillery shell production, and in 1917 Sam Bush went to
George H. Walker, a prominent

The above are the war profiteers who are enriched by sending American Troops to Iraq with substandard armor.
Huffington Post stuff you need to read:
Just remember Sam Bush sold arms to the Huns in WW1!Tony Hendra: The Bushes: A Hereditary Trait For Treason? Surely Not!
“Three case studies:
- Prescott Bush (Senator (R) Conn. 1952-1963): Like many US and UK bankers, Prescott Sheldon Bush, patriarch of the Bush clan, and partner in Brown Brothers Harriman, self-described as 'the world's largest private bank', grew rich in the 1930s, profiteering from Hitler's rise. His closest contact inside the Nazi war-machine was one Fritz Thyssen director (and scion) of a coal-and-steel empire central to the rearmament of Germany. ...
- George H.W. Bush (US President 1988-1992): As Vice-President, Prescott's second son George H.W. Bush was deeply enmeshed in the Iran-contra 'affair' of beloved memory. This involved selling 107 tons of missiles to a nation formally declared (by President Reagan) in July 1985 to be an 'enemy of the United States'. Bush's actions - later admitted in his own diaries - could well be judged an act of treason, as defined by the Constitution ('adhering to (U.S.) enemies and giving them aid and comfort'); a crime which, amazing to recount, would precisely replicate Bush pere's: trading with the enemy! How about that? Of course like Papa, Bush fils was never tried for treason or anything close to it - he too being a Skull-and-Bones man. But he was faithful to the other hereditary Bush trait. Having fooled Americans into electing him President by posing as Reagan The Sequel, he turned on not one, but two old pals he'd nuzzled up to for years. First pizza-faced mini-dictator Manuel Noriega, and then mass-murderer Saddam Hussein, Reagan's made man in the epic struggle against Khomeini. Needless to say these well-timed betrayals didn't make him smell rose-like enough to get re-elected. But, thanks to the Carlyle Group's lavish rewards system for faithful service to the military-corporate complex while in public office, within a few years of his Presidential stint he was wealthier than ever. (I leave it to others to decide whether the Carlyle Group's profits are in any sense blood money).
- George Walker Bush (President 2000-200?): Any student of hereditary traits might conclude that one or more of GHW Bush's kids would have a tendency towards treason. Sure enough, his eldest son is now suspected of having authorized leaks of 'previously classified' material (aka 'material hurriedly declassified so you can use it to cover your ass, regardless of whom or what it threatens') very possibly including the identity of a CIA agent. Revealing a CIA agent's identity is illegal because it gives aid and comfort to the enemy by informing him that all the other people that person has dealings with may be threats to him. That's why officially it's an act of treason. Especially in time of war, a state in which we are currently residing. Such treason would for ordinary folks be punishable by death - and quite properly so. But GW Bush is a Skull and Bones man, so, well ... you get the drift. ...”
(Check Tony Hendra's brand-new book The Messiah Of Morris Avenue or buy it on Amazon).
Arianna Huffington: Scooter Libby, Ink-Stained Wretch
“We know all about Scooter Libby's gifts as an X-rated novelist ("He asked if they should fuck the deer") and the writer of poetic letters ("Come back to work -- and life"), but it seems that the literary jack-of-all-trades also briefly tried his hand as speechwriter for White House press secretary Scottie McClellan. .... No wonder Scottie rejected Libby's pallid prose, instead going with a more conversational falsehood, telling reporters that he had spoken to Libby, Rove (uh, Karl), and Elliot Abrams and "those individuals assured me they were not involved in this."
Note to Scooter: stick to the deer-fucking. ”
No idea if any of you will make it to this - I am a rambling guy who needs to make you understand that Reagan the Rapist was as evil as they come and that Patriotism is the last refuge of the scroundrel:

Prescott Bush's pal Hitler played the same game ... And Nixon was Prescott's protege.